Thursday, August 30, 2007
Four happy campers...or rather, teachers
There is always a district get-together on the first day that we have to report back. Well, all the Hoopers got together for this pic. Rachael got hired this year at the same school where she did a long-term sub last fall. Yeh, I'm happy.
Back to the grind.......
Well, I can only wish that we have class at the beach like this. It was about 80* with no wind, so I had to take my planning work to a place that I could "concentrate." I was caught up in a 'Zen moment' for about 20 minutes, but I managed to pull myself back to reality and actually get some planning done.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
This is a fine looking group!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
When a loved one is gone
When a loved one is gone, it hurts for many reasons.
* Because there could be words unsaid. Even if they had been said, perhaps they were inadequate to express your true feelings.
* Because there could be things undone. We always wish we had spent more time with ones we love.
* Because we intuitively know the ideal, how things should be, if they have never been realized, it leaves us feeling empty.
* Because that special bond you had with that loved one is lost; that unique union can never be duplicated with another.
* Because when a loved one dies, something in us dies also. We are no longer the same person without that one. He or she has had a part in making us what we are.
When someone is gone, it is a mystery how it is a tragedy, yet it makes us better. What we thought we understood as important, we now know. When we loose someone we love it changes us to be more like God. We have more compassion, we are better able to tell and show those close we love them; we tend to think of things eternal.
Friday, August 24, 2007
There were no winners...
A blog to Mary Lou, Sandi's sister that was was killed Jan. 6, 2006 by a drunk driver.
Sandi's tribute:
Sandi's tribute:
Glenda's Book List Post
I have tried and tried to post my book list where it should be, but there is something wrong with that page. I can't post at all and it just keeps jumping,clicking and making me feel like I am on drugs again!
So, Jim, here we go.
1. Truth War by John MacArthur (I might have his last name spelled wrong)
2. The God of the Patriarchs Abraham, Issac & Jacob by Beth Moore
3. A Memoir on the Craft of Writing by Steven King
4. A Writing Life by Annie Dillard
I just finished Shogun by James Clevall and a part of The Knights of the Black and White by Jack Whyte that I just threw out.I recently finished one of his books called Skystone and throughly enjoyed it, but The Knights of the Black and White was blashphemous so I threw it out and will not support this author with my purchases again. I was extremely grieved with his story that Paul was not a Jew and that he invented Jesus and the world has fallen for it. My heart is very heavy for those who will believe a man but not take the time to ask God to reveal Himself thru His written word.
I am like you, I read a couple of books a couple of times. The Writing Life by Annie Dillard is one of them. I really enjoyed this book of hers but the one she won her Pulitzer for, Pilgrim on Tinker Creek, I did not care for too much. My next one of hers will be An American Childhood.
Who else is reading out there? Love you all. Gi
So, Jim, here we go.
1. Truth War by John MacArthur (I might have his last name spelled wrong)
2. The God of the Patriarchs Abraham, Issac & Jacob by Beth Moore
3. A Memoir on the Craft of Writing by Steven King
4. A Writing Life by Annie Dillard
I just finished Shogun by James Clevall and a part of The Knights of the Black and White by Jack Whyte that I just threw out.I recently finished one of his books called Skystone and throughly enjoyed it, but The Knights of the Black and White was blashphemous so I threw it out and will not support this author with my purchases again. I was extremely grieved with his story that Paul was not a Jew and that he invented Jesus and the world has fallen for it. My heart is very heavy for those who will believe a man but not take the time to ask God to reveal Himself thru His written word.
I am like you, I read a couple of books a couple of times. The Writing Life by Annie Dillard is one of them. I really enjoyed this book of hers but the one she won her Pulitzer for, Pilgrim on Tinker Creek, I did not care for too much. My next one of hers will be An American Childhood.
Who else is reading out there? Love you all. Gi
Thursday, August 23, 2007
And for the midnight snack
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Glenda's Two Cents Worth for the Week
Hey all - I have really enjoyed reading the last week's comments. It really is kool to see Lueria, Illa and Sandi on there as well. This is going to be a "newsy" post. Lueria asked if anyone knew someone who works at Boeing up there in Gresham. Rich has been trying to find different work and Boeing is one of the places he would really like to be. Lueria said that apparently you have to know someone...probably it helps with references. I know that is how I got work with Hewlett Packard in Santa Rosa. If you don't know anyone, perhaps those of you who have struggled with job hunting (who of us haven't?)can think of some suggestions that might help Lueria and Rich get to the other side of the valley. There have been some difficult times.
I talked with Lili today and Lisi is back in the hospital and finishing up the last of a set of IV's. Lili said she was doing better. She said she and Jess were tired because Jess's father is also in the hospital after falling and breaking a leg. I guess he is 96 years old!!
Hey, if you think of it, send Suzi an e-card...her birthday is this Saturday the 25th. This is hard to believe but after Suzi's birthday on Saturday we don't have any others until Dick's birthday on November 12. Glenna actually missed a couple of months...maybe that "Other" sibling's birthday is somewhere in September or October!
I got a great letter from Chuck (niner, niner, niner, to Dick). He said he must be a glutton for punishment because he is thinking of applying for another state job. I said it must run in the family (being a glutton for punishment, that is)because Ben also mentioned going back to work part time.
I also get to fit under that heading as well, because yesterday it was official...I have been accepted to the Information Technology program at the University of San Francisco. I can hardly wait to buy a sweat shirt!!! I already have the coffee mug! I really am excited because my reading list will now be longer than Jim's. And, oh yeah I will graduate in August of '09 with a Bachelors. Now let's see...that will be 3 years before retirement...well, as a younger bro has stated before and I agree with whole heartedly "Carpe Diem". This "boomer baby" plans to rock on. I'm working till I am 70! But we will see what the Lord has planned.
One more item - has anyone heard how Kara is doing toward opening her own shop? We haven't heard from her and Suzi lately. Love you all...Glenda
I talked with Lili today and Lisi is back in the hospital and finishing up the last of a set of IV's. Lili said she was doing better. She said she and Jess were tired because Jess's father is also in the hospital after falling and breaking a leg. I guess he is 96 years old!!
Hey, if you think of it, send Suzi an e-card...her birthday is this Saturday the 25th. This is hard to believe but after Suzi's birthday on Saturday we don't have any others until Dick's birthday on November 12. Glenna actually missed a couple of months...maybe that "Other" sibling's birthday is somewhere in September or October!
I got a great letter from Chuck (niner, niner, niner, to Dick). He said he must be a glutton for punishment because he is thinking of applying for another state job. I said it must run in the family (being a glutton for punishment, that is)because Ben also mentioned going back to work part time.
I also get to fit under that heading as well, because yesterday it was official...I have been accepted to the Information Technology program at the University of San Francisco. I can hardly wait to buy a sweat shirt!!! I already have the coffee mug! I really am excited because my reading list will now be longer than Jim's. And, oh yeah I will graduate in August of '09 with a Bachelors. Now let's see...that will be 3 years before retirement...well, as a younger bro has stated before and I agree with whole heartedly "Carpe Diem". This "boomer baby" plans to rock on. I'm working till I am 70! But we will see what the Lord has planned.
One more item - has anyone heard how Kara is doing toward opening her own shop? We haven't heard from her and Suzi lately. Love you all...Glenda
Job Hunting Suggestions,
Suzi's Birthday
tonights menu
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
whats for dinner tonight?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Alicia is out of the hospital
Thank you uncle Ben and Aunt Glenda for the help updating everyone. 4 kids, work, house and mom, it's hard to get on the computer. It's easier to text short heads up. Well mom is out of the hospital. I know taking to Aunt and doctors I know, she will be going in and out for a long time. With the diabetes.......or how ever you spell it, the body is braking down. I feel so bad for her. But she is in good sprirts. I feel helpless with all of this. but I keep praying for her and for all of us. thanks for spreading the word about mom. thank you for all your love for my mom. hugs
Lueria (Alicia daughter)
Lueria (Alicia daughter)
dinner tonight
Lisi and a call
Well, dear sis is in the hospital again and waiting for a call !! She called here last night and seems to be holding up well but I am sure she would like a call there. She has a cell phone so can be reached via that. Lilli called the day before to tell us and the "quiet one" also. MAKE SURE TO CALL ! It is nice to have when you can only lay there. Ben
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Personally I'm addicted to food; every time I try to quit, I fail! Or, I come up with a plan to lay off for a while, then Dick shows up with some smores; or my mother in law shows her appreciation for taking out her garbage by baking me a pie- then she watches me to see if I have a look of satisfaction while eating it. I don't know why, but every year just before Thanksgiving I think, 'alright, I'm definitely going to give my stomach muscle a break', Then Karen's side of the family cooks this huge bird, it pretty lean healthy meat, but it's dry and you don't expect me to eat it without gravy do you? Then before you know it the devil sends my neighbor over with a giant plate of holiday candy. She doesn't wait around, but I know she's going to ask how I liked the truffles and the peanut brittle and her new recipe for fudge, so I can't hurt her feelings can I? Yea, smoking probably isn't the best thing to do, but I think food kills more Americans. Pray for me, will ya? But don't start till after the holidays. Peter
winning a battle ?
Hi everyone, it was "suggested" when a new development occurs to post it, so, here goes... I had my blood test done and the cancer count is still dropping !! It is 3.1 now which is good. For now being off the chemo injections and only taking pills, it is really good. The doctor was both pleased and surprised at the test results. lol I told Illa that now she has to put up with me longer !! lol btw this is Ben (for those that insist on a name !!)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Reading list
As the summer comes to a close and there is more time for reading I would like to suggest that we share books that we are reading and/or have read that we enjoyed and found personally beneficial.
I feel that books that I’ve read are somewhat like positive experiences that I’ve had, they are best enjoyed if they can be shared with someone else. I feel that what we avail ourselves to can actually form and shape the person that we become. This is not to say that all that we read or see we become. I do say that it has an influence on us.
Through all the books I had to read in college I only kept perhaps 4 or 5 books. But, in part, these books formed or shaped how I perceive the world around me. They defined how I felt myself to be, and helped me to understand what I felt.
I would like to suggest that we each compile a list of books and post them so we each can have the opportunity to benefit from what others have felt to be useful.
I feel that books that I’ve read are somewhat like positive experiences that I’ve had, they are best enjoyed if they can be shared with someone else. I feel that what we avail ourselves to can actually form and shape the person that we become. This is not to say that all that we read or see we become. I do say that it has an influence on us.
Through all the books I had to read in college I only kept perhaps 4 or 5 books. But, in part, these books formed or shaped how I perceive the world around me. They defined how I felt myself to be, and helped me to understand what I felt.
I would like to suggest that we each compile a list of books and post them so we each can have the opportunity to benefit from what others have felt to be useful.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Have you ever had one of these days...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Life goes on for some and some go Home.
Well, its been only a week since I checked in on the family blog and it took me 20 minutes to catch up on all the news. It really is a blessing to hear from all of us in one place.
We buried Neville, my dad, on Sunday. He passed away on the Monday after the reunion and I am so grateful that I got to see him before he passed. He was aware of his surroundings and who was there and although it was hard for him, he made our time with him very sweet. After reading Bonnie's note about Wes, I felt the need to say to all of us what I said to my kids at Daddy's funeral. Let's celebrate each other now while we are here. Let's not have excuses of too much work, or too far to travel, or too many bills, keep us from persevearance in our relationships. Let's cherish each other for the wonderful creation that we are - taking the good and the bad, tossing out the bad because not one of us is all good.
I am personally very glad for every bit of my life. The good, the bad and the ugly. I guess I can say that because I am confident that the work started in me by Jesus Christ will continue until his return.(Philipians 6:1) And He is no where near done with me yet, so it is really about Him! I look back at all the potholes along my journey and some of them were overwhelming at the time...but as the haze clears, my look back reveals that I was never alone. I had the prayers of so many of the people who had a part in all of our lives. What will the younger generation be able to say of us? What do each of us want to be remembered for? What is the most important thing that I want my nieces and nephews, grandchildren and children to remember about me and my life? Yes, we are the oldsters now...what a great place we are in! We have a previous generation's life experiences to teach us and a younger generation that we can teach. What an awesome priviledge to be invited to be part of another person's life. I love you all and thank you for such a great reunion. There are so many I did not get to spend nearly enough time with, but next year I promise to do better. Boy, a year seems a long way off!!!
Love, Gi
We buried Neville, my dad, on Sunday. He passed away on the Monday after the reunion and I am so grateful that I got to see him before he passed. He was aware of his surroundings and who was there and although it was hard for him, he made our time with him very sweet. After reading Bonnie's note about Wes, I felt the need to say to all of us what I said to my kids at Daddy's funeral. Let's celebrate each other now while we are here. Let's not have excuses of too much work, or too far to travel, or too many bills, keep us from persevearance in our relationships. Let's cherish each other for the wonderful creation that we are - taking the good and the bad, tossing out the bad because not one of us is all good.
I am personally very glad for every bit of my life. The good, the bad and the ugly. I guess I can say that because I am confident that the work started in me by Jesus Christ will continue until his return.(Philipians 6:1) And He is no where near done with me yet, so it is really about Him! I look back at all the potholes along my journey and some of them were overwhelming at the time...but as the haze clears, my look back reveals that I was never alone. I had the prayers of so many of the people who had a part in all of our lives. What will the younger generation be able to say of us? What do each of us want to be remembered for? What is the most important thing that I want my nieces and nephews, grandchildren and children to remember about me and my life? Yes, we are the oldsters now...what a great place we are in! We have a previous generation's life experiences to teach us and a younger generation that we can teach. What an awesome priviledge to be invited to be part of another person's life. I love you all and thank you for such a great reunion. There are so many I did not get to spend nearly enough time with, but next year I promise to do better. Boy, a year seems a long way off!!!
Love, Gi
Monday, August 6, 2007
Wow what great post. Tell Amy she better come to the next reunion. She is family and she needs to see her favorit Sorry to hear about uncle wes. Tell amy to tell him I love him too. Give him a big hug from Lueria.
Rich loves the family and feels at home with all of you. Darrell and Rich have clicked since day one. I call Darall uncle. I looked like him the most. lol. The tattoo is funny uncle peter, loved it. you should have seen Rich's mom who is all with the lord before she passed away and now is with the lord. She was shocked and stunned but loved him just as his soft heart is. I still have a hard time going to church with him in shorts showing his love you all. good night sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bit.
Hugs and kisses
Lueria the soft spoken one. lol
Rich loves the family and feels at home with all of you. Darrell and Rich have clicked since day one. I call Darall uncle. I looked like him the most. lol. The tattoo is funny uncle peter, loved it. you should have seen Rich's mom who is all with the lord before she passed away and now is with the lord. She was shocked and stunned but loved him just as his soft heart is. I still have a hard time going to church with him in shorts showing his love you all. good night sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bit.
Hugs and kisses
Lueria the soft spoken one. lol
We may be related if..........
First, let me preface this with the fact that Sandi is out of town for a conference in San Diego for the entire week.
We may be related, if, when you look in the fridge after a day of getting fascia rock in Medford (for the grill) and a load of wood, you see taco shells, tuna fish salad, Pepper Jack cheese, cilantro, green onions, and walnuts (old) in the fridge and you believe you can make a meal of it (read: hungry).
And, before I forget it, a whole bunch of condiments. I mean things like Hamburger Dill Chips, Sweet Relish, something called Sesame Tahini (Organic Roasted), and Special Kitty Tuna Dinner. So, as you can see the choices are not really great.
Now, I know that those with culinary expertise such as yourselves can make some, or a combination of these ingredients into something really special. Myself, I had to settle for the taco shells, tuna fish salad, cheese, cilantro, and green onions nuked in the microwave. Not bad, if I say so myself.
Now, before you jump to any incorrect assumptions, let me make this thing perfectly clear. Generally, when Sandi leaves for a week she leaves me enough food for two weeks. This time after she gets back we're going to be gone for a week. Hence the reason for minimal food in the house.
Of course, at this point, I don’t know what I’m going to eat tomorrow.
We may be related, if, when you look in the fridge after a day of getting fascia rock in Medford (for the grill) and a load of wood, you see taco shells, tuna fish salad, Pepper Jack cheese, cilantro, green onions, and walnuts (old) in the fridge and you believe you can make a meal of it (read: hungry).
And, before I forget it, a whole bunch of condiments. I mean things like Hamburger Dill Chips, Sweet Relish, something called Sesame Tahini (Organic Roasted), and Special Kitty Tuna Dinner. So, as you can see the choices are not really great.
Now, I know that those with culinary expertise such as yourselves can make some, or a combination of these ingredients into something really special. Myself, I had to settle for the taco shells, tuna fish salad, cheese, cilantro, and green onions nuked in the microwave. Not bad, if I say so myself.
Now, before you jump to any incorrect assumptions, let me make this thing perfectly clear. Generally, when Sandi leaves for a week she leaves me enough food for two weeks. This time after she gets back we're going to be gone for a week. Hence the reason for minimal food in the house.
Of course, at this point, I don’t know what I’m going to eat tomorrow.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Dear Loved Ones, and your to many to name. I miss you all so much. As for Darrel, Suzy was not kidding. not only is he cute!!! I had to tell him I could not jump that high so he had to bend down so I could hug him. I'm sure this reunion was a big step for him to meet all of us crazy people. Rick really connected with Darrel. We went thru Springfield after going to Crater Lake, We looked for Suzy and Darrel at Crater Lake and ran into Judy and her girl, (did a lot more hugging} had to get up to Ore. to visit Ricks mom and Doug and his family and grandma Aggie. So didn't see Suzy and Darrel.
Just had a great barbecue, with Zack and two of his friends, His friend Ben had tottoos, he said no ever ask's what they stand for, I never thought about that. I learned alot. My sister in law has a pergect picture of two of her babies she lost tottooed on her calf, it is so beautiful you want to touch it, which I did. She said others people do and feel the love in it. Very Powerful!!! Dick when you go out there look at it.
Rich, You finally help me conzince Rick to get that ski boat I have been begging for. But I want a 21 ft. I want to be able to sleep in it, and a cover over it.
Peter, I just found out from Amy, which you know I only hear from well, 2 times a year maybe, anyway, her dad has Lukemia, he is 62. trying to finish his 1 1/2 million dollar home on a lake. What is so sad is that he has never had a relationship with the Lord, mostly because of his expience with the JD's.
Lueria, Amy says hi, she was excited to here I got to spend time with you. I need to have contact with you.
I am really upset, Wes and I stayed close, and more than ever, I treasure each and every member of our family. I am looking forward to seeing Jim and Sandi's kids and any of those that did not make it this year. Life is so unpredictable. I realize we all have our separate lives and stuggles, but more than ever I know we need each other thru personal pain, and especially good times, I was so happy to see Jim and Sandi's sons wedding [Randy, right]. Sandi, you looked so beautiful. So my dear brothers and sisters, please let us always be there for each other, and that means our kids and our kids kids. What a treasure and a heritage our family has with our kids. LOL Rick and Bonnie
Just had a great barbecue, with Zack and two of his friends, His friend Ben had tottoos, he said no ever ask's what they stand for, I never thought about that. I learned alot. My sister in law has a pergect picture of two of her babies she lost tottooed on her calf, it is so beautiful you want to touch it, which I did. She said others people do and feel the love in it. Very Powerful!!! Dick when you go out there look at it.
Rich, You finally help me conzince Rick to get that ski boat I have been begging for. But I want a 21 ft. I want to be able to sleep in it, and a cover over it.
Peter, I just found out from Amy, which you know I only hear from well, 2 times a year maybe, anyway, her dad has Lukemia, he is 62. trying to finish his 1 1/2 million dollar home on a lake. What is so sad is that he has never had a relationship with the Lord, mostly because of his expience with the JD's.
Lueria, Amy says hi, she was excited to here I got to spend time with you. I need to have contact with you.
I am really upset, Wes and I stayed close, and more than ever, I treasure each and every member of our family. I am looking forward to seeing Jim and Sandi's kids and any of those that did not make it this year. Life is so unpredictable. I realize we all have our separate lives and stuggles, but more than ever I know we need each other thru personal pain, and especially good times, I was so happy to see Jim and Sandi's sons wedding [Randy, right]. Sandi, you looked so beautiful. So my dear brothers and sisters, please let us always be there for each other, and that means our kids and our kids kids. What a treasure and a heritage our family has with our kids. LOL Rick and Bonnie
Good Guys and Tattoos
Now we know these two indisputable facts; the moon is made of cheddar cheese and Suzie only does things in response to other people's opinions.
Actually, we know Suzie doesn't need our approval, but I'm going to give it any way. I am very happy for her choice of Darrell. Or maybe I should be saying, I am happy in Darrell's choice of our littlest sister! Regardless, what a great guy.
Seems our family is growing in many good ways; a couple of years ago I met Rich, Lueria's husband. Me coming from a generation where altering your body meant more than something cosmetic, and now having become a little old fashioned, I'll admit, I always wonder about someone who is pierced, tattooed. Believe it or not, I had an earring for awhile. But my girlfriend at the time yanked it out. Then, a man wearing an earring was Avant guard. A sign of being different, but with me it was a sign of rebellion. In my society (60z surfer) you seldom saw men wearing them. But I was a Hippy, and as you know, Hippies think they have to stand out. Thus the long hair, dress, beads etc. Then as hippydom became more popular, many of us tried to think of new ways to 'be different'. I found a way to do so permanently – to be plain an ordinary.
Unless some fellow is wearing mesh panties and a bra, it's becoming more impossible to judge someone by what he has on externally; if you do, you'll almost certainly be wrong. Tattoos, dress, earrings are no longer signs of rebellion, just more ways to identify oneself with what you believe in. There's no more evil in it than wearing a Yankee's t-shirt. Wait a minute, bad example.
All that to say, from my brief conversations with Darrell and Rich, they have brought some great qualities to the family. I am looking forward to knowing them better. And I can't tell you how happy I am for the girls. Peter Sr.
Actually, we know Suzie doesn't need our approval, but I'm going to give it any way. I am very happy for her choice of Darrell. Or maybe I should be saying, I am happy in Darrell's choice of our littlest sister! Regardless, what a great guy.
Seems our family is growing in many good ways; a couple of years ago I met Rich, Lueria's husband. Me coming from a generation where altering your body meant more than something cosmetic, and now having become a little old fashioned, I'll admit, I always wonder about someone who is pierced, tattooed. Believe it or not, I had an earring for awhile. But my girlfriend at the time yanked it out. Then, a man wearing an earring was Avant guard. A sign of being different, but with me it was a sign of rebellion. In my society (60z surfer) you seldom saw men wearing them. But I was a Hippy, and as you know, Hippies think they have to stand out. Thus the long hair, dress, beads etc. Then as hippydom became more popular, many of us tried to think of new ways to 'be different'. I found a way to do so permanently – to be plain an ordinary.
Unless some fellow is wearing mesh panties and a bra, it's becoming more impossible to judge someone by what he has on externally; if you do, you'll almost certainly be wrong. Tattoos, dress, earrings are no longer signs of rebellion, just more ways to identify oneself with what you believe in. There's no more evil in it than wearing a Yankee's t-shirt. Wait a minute, bad example.
All that to say, from my brief conversations with Darrell and Rich, they have brought some great qualities to the family. I am looking forward to knowing them better. And I can't tell you how happy I am for the girls. Peter Sr.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Wow, what a great time, it was so good to see everyone, the time went by way to fast, Rick and I are looking forward to next year. We missed you Karen, Hope you are doing better. All the kids were so loving, it sure would be nice to hear from you younger folk on the blog. We will be heading out for work and pick up our truck Monday and out on the road again Tuesday. Miss you all already. We have to get Chuck there next year. Hugs, Rick and Bonnie
Friday, August 3, 2007 the water rising?
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Yeh, it's hot in Crescent City.
Don't let anyone fool you. Look how hot it gets in Crescent City, and that's at 1:00 in the afternoon too. Seeing is believing, right? And I thought that Lake of the Woods was hot! Maybe global warming has its epicenter right here in good 'ole CC by the sea. I guess I better go check on those poor Redwood trees, or maybe go to the beach. Heck, the water has probably evaporated right out of the ocean!
This is from my own blog. It's something I wrote last spring and I think its appropriate to add given the 'temp' in our back yard:
I have heard it said that America is a land of opportunity.
In a small microcosm I tend to see the deck in my backyard as a deck of opportunity. Let me explain. Factors: There is a finite amount of time that the sun hits the deck, hours of sunlight, absence of clouds, proximity of the sun as it relates to the seasons, and height of the trees to our south. Given all these constraints there really is a very small window of opportunity to enjoy the portents of summer. I see it almost as my duty to make use of the deck as much as possible, especially given the fact that it’s been such a long winter. Opportunity doesn’t always strike and I’m a firm believer in Carpe Weekend (seize the weekend). The way I see it a person must take advantages of and enjoy the moment, even if it is only lying out in the backyard listening to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and feeling the warmth of the sun. Simple pleasures are the best. I read somewhere that the farther one gets away from the simple things in life, the farther you are from reality. That’s easy to say as I sit here typing this out on a word-processing keyboard device to be uploaded to my computer and put out for the world to see on the Internet. So, enjoy the moment.
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