Friday, November 30, 2007

Say 'hello' to Poof

This is Sandi's cat, 'Poof.' At least, this is what I call her. Sandi calls her Clarice. She's a saucy one, isn't she? Luscious lips, long nails, sultry look, and long lashes. A bane to any unwary suitors.

I don't know about anyone else (except, maybe Peter, who says that he is old), but I think these 5-day work weeks are looonnnng, especially when I went into it thinking that Friday was a 'training day,' that was canceled. It seems like the kids' momentum builds throughout the week, while mine wanes. Their energy level reaches its apex on Friday while mine is well on its way south on its downward slide.

I'm convinced, whoever came up with these 5-day work-weeks was not a teacher, in fact, I don't think they really existed in the real work world. The concept probably emanated in a drug-induced stupor because they wanted to get more production from their workers with minimal effort from themselves. But, I think that teaching keeps a person young(er) from the simple reason that you must match the energy level of the kids. Tonight, Friday night, the kids won. I'm tired. Besides, my favorite character on Survivor just got booted. Good night.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


well after alot of reading, talking to people and prayer. I have decided not to do the Interferon and the ribivin. To many negative side effects, and a very low percentage of actually killing the virus. something like at best 45%. patients doing combination therapy have actually have killed the virus under treatment. and very expensive.
I have decided to go at it with alternative treatment. right now im using milk thistle and will soon start using collidol silver. I have been doing some research on these alternatives and people that have used them have had great results at killing the virus and at regenerating liver cells and also helping the healthy cells get stronger resisting the virus. Plus very little side effects. Im also being a little more selective in my diet. But i still have starbucks. which is actually a no-no.
I have had the virus for maybe 30 yrs. I figure that i dont see my blood counts come down in 18-24 months and i have problems i may opt to go with the combination therapy.
this decision has given me alot of peace and my stress level has actually reduced alot.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Old family picture??

Did I remember seeing this image somewhere in our old family photos? It appears as if this child is testing the temperature of a frozen pole. Some people just won't believe that bare skin will stick to a frozen surface. Anyway, let's try to figure out who this is.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Is anyone missing any clothes?

I was going through some of my clothes and found, well, a T-shirt that I don't remember buying, trading for, or finding. So, that leaves just one option; stealing. Don't call me Sherlock Holmes, but by the looks of it, it belongs to someone in the family that worked around helicopters, possibly fueling them. Know anything about this, Dick? It must have ended up in the car after the reunion last summer. Anyway, I'll try to not wear it out by the time we see each other again. We'll keep the cat.


Saturday, November 24, 2007


By the way, I nominate Peter (since he's the patriarch of the family) to re-invite all in-laws, outlaws, siblings, and all interested parties to participate in a meeting of the minds on our family blog. What say ye'?

What I am thankful for II

This five-day break was a stellar experience!! So much has changed in my life, but so much of it feels right. I do not relish the fact that our boys have grown and are are now making their own way, sans any direction from us, but rather the peace that I feel from it. They are no longer boys, but the young men that we have groomed them to be. Hopefully, they will remember the good of their upbringing and forget the negative. I say this because of what Sandi and I have experienced this break. This is the first Thanksgiving that we have spent together, just the two of us. It was GREAT, but in a different way than what has gone on before. Before has always been centered around the 'guys.' Now, it has been centered around us, just the two of us. A surreal experience to say the least.

First, on Thanksgiving day we found ourselves at the beach grilling prawns wrapped in foil and seasoned with Old Bay, lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, and white wine over a beach fire. Not bad..........(actually, Damn Good).

Friday, we all went fishing together on the Smith..... in three different cars. The fishing was full of luck, it was the catching that was lacking. The Smith was its usual summertime self, devoid of fish, but full of memories. For me, the older that I get, it's not so much the success or failure of an experience, but rather, the feeling of the experience. Then, later in the afternoon Sandi and I took a walk down South Beach and came back with a crab pot on a beautiful sunny afternoon.

Saturday we took a hike to a place that I've wanted to take her for quite a few years. High Dome is a meadow in an otherwise forested area that is a magical place because it is so out-of-place. Andrew and I had gone there about 2 years ago and I've wanted to go back ever since. The harbingers of winter are in the air and visible as snow on the distant mountains, but a distant memory as it was clear and warm. We even re-found a Geocaching cache that Andrew and I have found before at High Dome.

Just so you know, my inspiration, motivation, aspiration, and every other -tion, I can or can't think of, comes from my wife. Do avail yourself to her blog at:


Friday, November 23, 2007

My Favorite Gizmo

Hi; I just purchased this little item. Some say it's the Vonage killer. You just plug it into your USB port and you get free, unlimited local, long distance calls throughout US and Canada. I use it at work for a second line, then I bring it home to make long distance. Two things - you have to have high speed internet (no dialup). Also, it will be a while before it works with Mac, they are working on that. You can take it with you when you travel, if you have a hotel with high speed, it will again allow free calls. Voice quality is excellent. 1st year cost $40. Second year $20. Works with any standard phone. No Dick, I don't get a commission! Click on 'My favorite Gizmo' to go to their site. Peter

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What I am thankful for.

For me, all too often, I am willing to complain about something much sooner than I am willing to be thankful for what I have. Human nature you say, I’m REAL human then. But, I’m really glad I’m not a turkey, but some people have called me one before. Unless, of course my name is ‘May’ or ‘Flower.’ But even those turkeys to will have a very short moment in the sun of Disney World before their names fade into the gravy of the past. Come now, have you ever seen a turkey from years’ past? Unless, of course, it’s me.

Anyway, thanks, that’s what started out here. For all of us, things could have been much worse than what they ended up to be. Life is good, too good at times. Not that I want anything to change. All I wish for, is for me to take the time to appreciate what I have more often. But, it seems in the everyday frenzy of life I can’t or don’t slow down enough to live in the now and appreciate the present. I too often try to change things of the past and worry about the future. The present is all I really have.

So, let me just say, I love our family…all branches of it. Even the leaves that feel that they are left out. I think I can learn something from everyone, if given a chance. This blog for me allows me to see inside of whom you are and you into me.

So, just know that I’ll be thinking of you all as we sit down with our own respective families. I’ll lift a drumstick in your honor and give you and yours a hearty cheer.

Something that always helps to ground me is to reread the poem, Desiderata, that I believe helped shape me into who I am. Go to my blog to read it.


Monday, November 19, 2007

What I'm thankful for:

Chardo and I have been writing back and forth for some time now. In one of my letters I asked him if it were ok to share some things about him. He said it would be fine. He told me that his life after the age of thirteen "was full of bad choices". Through this he contracted Hepatitis C. He's been through the same treatment Dick has decided to go through and it looks as if he'll be going through it again before he leaves prison. Besides all the issues he faces now, he understands he will face many more, even after he leaves prison.

But what I am thankful for, is what he says about it all:
"I know I have a lot to go through, and the consequences of my past are not just going to disappear. But God will work it all out and good will come of it, and it has in one very important way, it's drawn me to Him"

This are not just religious talk coming from Chardo, this is the testimony of a person who has been renewed in his mind; one who truly believes God is worth everything it cost to come to this new life.

We've all experienced it in some measure; the wonderful mystery, how God can take a lost life, like the Father in the story of the prodigal son, God embraces us, he treats us just as if we had never strayed from his ways. He never holds against us that we mistreated his love. He just loves us like it never happened! Yes, like Chardo said, there are "consequences", but they are only related to this short term life; but praise be to God, from God's point of view, all is forgiven and forgotten (Jer.31.34) Now tell me, isn't that something to be thankful for? Peter


I just want you all to know I will be thinking of you. My Rick will be home tomorrow I think. Can't wait. Looks like we are going to go to Pams, (Rick's X) although I don't like calling her that so from now on you know who Pam is so I wont. She is precious friend and sister in The Lord. She is going to have some others from our church over also. Hopefully the kids will come later. They will be busy doing things with their wives families.
Sandi and Jim, I enjoyed your thoughts on your family, Sorry, I forgot to sign my name when I sent in the blog titled FAMILY,
Glenda, that is so great about Rich and Lueria coming to be with you, please give them my love.

I am looking for to heaven when we can all be together more often and the kids will have more time for us. I love you all more than words could ever express.

This Thanksgiving I'm especially thankful for the healing God has done in our lives to bring us together, I think closer than we have ever been. It just shows you God can do anything and all the bad stuff we go through in life can work out for His Glory if we keep focused on Him and not the problems we deal with daily. In all we go through, is a opportunity to allow God to build our character and to depend on His strength and unconditional love.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

'Shroom expert???

In a way I kind of hate to ask this question, but do we have a resident mushroom identification expert in the family? Now, I don't want someone who is only well-versed in identifying only one particular kind. I want someone who I can take out into the woods and basically tell me which ones I can eat, but more important, which ones will kill me. As I understand it, most mushrooms won't hurt you even if they don't taste good. Many will make you wish you died, but only a few will actually kill you. It's the latter two types that I'd just as soon avoid.

I went up to the river today to go fishing, but it was too high, so I just took a walk looking at, and, for mushrooms. Around here, it's mushroom season, but I don't feel comfortable bringing some home that would, well, kill me. I do like cooked mushrooms. For that matter, I like the white ones that you buy in the stores just fresh and uncooked with just a little garlic pepper and salt. Excuse me, I have to go raid the 'fridge and see if we have any...............................nope, but I did add it to the shopping list.

In our household I don't go shopping. Sandi says I bring home too many things with names that I can't pronounce, or her either. That's kind of a rule around here, if it can't be pronounced or it's written in an alphabet that is not familiar, it isn't eaten. But, since I'm more of a visual person, I all too often just look at the pictures and say to myself, "hmmm... I don't know what it is, but I'm sure Sandi can make something really good out of this." I can only buy three things, and that suits me just fine. Sandi is a GREAT cook. I can only buy steaks when I grill, dog food, and beer. So, as you can see my shopping lists are generally pretty short. Anyway, I'm waiting to hear.......


Happy Thanksgiving!

Where does the time go? It hardly seems possible that we are nearing the end of another year. I have been back home in the City for a year now and it hardly seems possible. In a way, it seems like I hadn't only took a while for me to get back into the groove of city living. I really love the hustle and bustle of city life. I also love being in an area that I can get to anything my heart desires with just a short drive.

The oil spill is still big news down here, but it is coming to an end. They are finding fewer and fewer dead birds and even fewer live birds that can be saved, although there are a few here and there. I don't watch TV so I don't know much of what is going on, but I do know that the contamination affected a lot of us with head aches and sore throats the week after the accident. I plan to go down to the Ferry Building when we have Thanksgiving and see what I can see.

This year Teisha and I will have Thanksgiving with Lueria and Rich down here in our new home. They will leave Portland on Wednesday afternoon and drive straight through. It will be nice to have them here since this is my first year without Lydia. She is still hanging in there in Tucson, but there have been some hard times for her. Hopefully I will see her after Christmas since she is working retail and can't take time off for the holidays.

Whitney and Michelle have survived their first year of coaching Zach's football team. I got to see them in action once and see them win. Now they start ballet season with the girls so like all of your kids, they are busy, busy, busy.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm thinking of each and every one of you and want you to know that I am praying for you and your families. Love you all, Gi

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Face it we are older than dirt, did we want to connect with out parents. They complained about the same thing. We never appreciate what we have until it is gone. After all we are just starting to get to know eachother. I can't believe my sister inlaws have accepted me after all the years I have kept away. These kids have no idea what they mean to us, they are the extention of all of us They have a opportunity of closeness we never appreciated. I only hope when we are all gone they never forget the lesson we have learned. Family means everything.

The time you spend with family means everything:

Lueria sent a, "I LOVE YOU," on my email, she has no idea what those three words means to me.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Some collective 'Reasons Young People are Too Busy to Post ' (please add to this list)

"Hey, how about those Yankee", or, "You ought to see my new pedicure", or, "Vonda said that Sheila said that Evon said she was going steady with a Rock star, I said she should be really careful" Peter


Actually got a call from the twins thurs. the 15th.. Illa and I got to talk to them, both sounded upbeat !! Nice to have gotten the call. Lisi said she is walking more and feels good. Illa talked to Lili and has a new e-mail address and regular address for them. I would put it down here but Illa has it and she is sleeping.I will post it soon, or is that something that should not be posted?
P.S. Why do we hardly EVER get anything from the younger ones ??!!! As in posts !! Seems they should have input to place here or are their lives duller that ours !! lol

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pictures scanned

I finally got Bonnie n Rick's photos scanned. Right now would be a good time to update Jim's address document, if yours has changed.

Also, Are there any of us who 'was not born in Frisco'?

Monday, November 12, 2007

To tell you the truth

To tell you the truth, I completely forgot about it until about 10:00 this morning when my supervisor told me he had a card on his desk for me.
Oh well.
Thanks all

Dick's old but Jess is REALLY old

Happy birthday Dick! I didn't know you shared the same Bday as Jess! Happy birthday Jess. Congrats. The reason I remembered Dick's birthday is cause it was such a big deal when we lived together in Los Angeles. Mom liked him best so he got the biggest parties and the best gifts. Peter

Birthday Day !!

Hey !! I just wanted to get in line and say happy birthday too !! I was going to go in with Bonnie and send you that doll but figured you didn't want one anyway !!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEY, that's better than some of the songs we use to make up for eachother.
I thought of sending you a blow up women since a real one would have been hard to send in the mail, but I was afraid you might take it the wrong way. You could get a really big teddy bear and call her Sally or Jane or Honey even. LOL

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lili, Lisi, Jess address?

Hey, does anyone have their current address? And perhaps an update on what's happening with them. Thanks

Friday, November 9, 2007


(or just click on FORGOT TO......words above, Peter)


Hey, if anyone is interested in viewing some pictures our realtor put up of our home, check out: click on VIEW MY LISTINGS go to 2nd page and click on the picture. She didn't get a picture of our back deck with the gazebo and hot tub or our living room but it will give you an idea why this is a hard place to move away from.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

update --click here after you read

well, after procrastinating and not sure what im going to do ive made my decision.
for those that havnt hear I got the results for my biopsy.
I have chronic Hepatitis C. geno type 1, stage 2-3, level 2-3. the highest is 4 which indicates croisis.
I had the liver biopsy and they found "mild to moderate interface hepatitis grade 2-3 of 4. and periportal fibrosis and focal architectural distortion stage 2-3 of 4" The 4 represents chirosis of the liver and then the next stage is cancer. The Dr. wants me to go on interferon and ribavirin treatment. its suppose to be pretty nasty treatment for about 48 weeks. the interferon is a natural body producing antibody that fights off. infections. I would just be upping the amount that my body produces. The side effects are not real pleasant . this websight will probably tell you more that you care to know.
My emotion have been going up and down with this. I have an tendency to over analyze things sometimes. and i get a little neurotic. I had a meeting with my supervisor today and He is really supportive of my needs. they are going to work with me on my schedule. Im starting this on the week before christmas, as that is when my anniversary is and then i will take the following week off as a personal week.
Then I will take it Day by Day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Get a shorter leash

I disagreed when Dick told me "Illa should have Ben on a shorter leash"





Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dang, where 'ave I seen those hairy legs before?

Nov. 3...Takin' a dip

Someone has to teach these young whippersnappers how to fetch!

To see the full day of spending a day with Rachael, Andrew, and Gunner go to:

I caught 2 small steelhead, and Andrew caught 3, but it was a GREAT day, something I NEEDED to do after a LOOOOOONNNNNNG week. Thanks Rach, Andrew, and Gunner! THIS is what I work for!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

funny friday

this is great, If you like Monte Python type humor