Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I just talked to Illa and she gave me an update on Chuck. She went down to visit him to see how he was doing and to give him some support and encouragement.
She said that he is doing alot better than she expected and that he is happy to be in his own home and away from the hospital. Evidently the doctors put him on some meds that he needs to be on for now till he gets his diet in order. Then hopefully he will be able to back off on the meds.
Im glad that she is able to go and check on him and to help him out a little as much as she can.
and im sure that she will add more but she forgot her computer and asked me to post that she saw Chuck.

oh and illa...
get back to work and finish your deck. im sure its feeling lonesome. :)

Monday, June 29, 2009


My honey bun is getting off the road for good. He is in Florida right now waiting and hoping for one more load to Calif. but things are looking really bad for our company. Both of us have applications in for several jobs so pray for us. It's time for him to get off and we will trust in God and our efforts to find jobs here.
This picture is off his CD cover, just one of several Cd's we still pray about sharing with others.

Believe it or not to save money, I took the picture and did the cover on the computer and printed them out. We also burned the CD ourselves and did the packaging, we just need to learn to shrink wrap if that is necessary.

Love Ya All

Friday, June 26, 2009


I really like this pic of Lisi. What a great smile. Peter

Monday, June 22, 2009

REAL fireflys in Iowa.

I know that Bonnie and Rick see these all the time, but they're a real treat for us.

If you click the title I've started a trip log.


Sunday, June 21, 2009


I haven't really talked to anyone since I posted the last email from Susan and Mitch called me before we left, but this is what I've been thinking after reading what everyone has posted on the blog. We're in Arco, ID, and have been camping out each night.

I believe that we all share Chuck’s desire to remain independent as long as possible. We all do not want to inconvenience anyone. That being said, there is a time in all of our lives to hand over this responsibility to someone else. The evidence suggests that he is not able to take care of himself.

Given Chuck’s record of not pursuing his own retirement benefits, nearly losing his house, almost certainly suffering a stroke (or series of stroke), not being responsible for his own health (to his own demise), I feel that it is the proper time for someone to take over his decision making process with Power of Attorney. While this is not a cure-all it is at least a step in direction.

Since he has already said that he would sign over Power of Attorney at some point to Mitch or Carlene, given their proximity, I think that they should be the proper ones to do it if they choose,. This is an inconvenience to anyone that chooses to be involved and it is just what Chuck wants to avoid, but I think that it is necessary. The last time Mitch had to help deal with Chuck’s house situation he lost at least a week of work plus contributing at least $3,500 to help save Chuck’s house. Of late, as Susan mentioned, Chuck has not made himself available to Mitch when Mitch wanted to stop by and talk to him. Carlene has missed at least a day of work besides taking him to the ER room.

Illa, if you would be willing to take him in that would be great. I think whoever deals with it, it will be an ongoing battle. I do think an environment such as where you live could be very beneficial.


Friday, June 19, 2009


The back deck is done except for new stairs. I shoved a set of the old ones up so that I would have something to go up and down on. Now to mow the yard again before starting on the room. It keeps raining when I am not working so it is slow going.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

The latest on Chuck

I just received this from Susan. We're in Medford for doctor appointments and car servicing. We're off for Iowa. I'll call Chuck, Carlene, and Mitch when we get settled into a campground.


Carlene emailed me from the emergency room. Chuck had been acting a little bumbly and had thrown up, so she told him she was going to take him to emergency, but he didnt' want to go, so she said in the morning she would take him, which she did.

In short, blood pressure was 200/126, and they couldn't get it down, so they checked his blood. Blood sugar, 629. (Normal is 95-125) He will be in the hospital while they flush the sugar out of his system with at least 6 liters of fluid. And they are doing a complete battery of blood tests to see what else they might find.

This developed over time. Carlene noticed that he was buying a lot of juice--mostly grape juice. She thought it was just one of his quirks, and didn't realize that he was actually drinking it wholesale for about a couple months, and always had about 40 bottles in the garage. Also drank apple and orange juice. But no water. The juice would make him thirsty, so he would drink more juice. She saw enough of this to warn him that all these juices were high in sugar, and he shouldn't be drinking so much of them, but should drink water, or he'd get diabetes. But she didn't see all he drank, as she works 5 week days and every other weekend. (Cares for Alzheimer people at their homes.) She also found out that he hadn't been taking his meds for about 2 weeks, so that fed intot he toxic mix, as well. Sometimes he is very regular with them, and other times, just doesn't do it. I think it is annoying to him to have to take them.

So the last few days, (I think she said she was home 3 days in a row at the time) she started noticing that he was more bumbly than usual, and last night, she heard him messing around in the hall for about 20 minutes and finally got up and asked what was going on. He was trying to start the washer--yes, the same one he's had for a couple decades. He didn't know how to start it. So Carlene started it for him, then turned it off and he tried again, but wasn't really "getting it". She looked at his face, and his eyeballs were bulging and bloodshot. This is when she realized he was more odd than usual and said she'd take him to the hospital. Urgent Care place was closed at 10:00 PM and he didn't want to go to emergency room at the hospital because it would cost him quite a bit and he wasn't in the mood. If she had known how serious it was, she would have taken him right then, but they waited till morning and they went in at 10:00.

I don't know what to do about him. Carlene is there about 3 days a week now, and stays with her boyfriend other times, or else is working a 48 hour shift on the weekends with the Alzheimer's. She kind of has to work to make living expenses and pays Chuck $500 a month for living there. (He allowed her to come and live with him because he believed he was doing her a favor, becaus she couldn't afford to rent an apartment. Otherwise, if was coming to "help him", he wouldn't have let her in the door. Mitch had to talk him into "helping" her.) And Chuck is so hard to live with, it has been a trial for her, but she does love him and cares about what happens to him.

She remembered that he had thrown up 2 days ago, and this might mean that he had another stroke. But could also be symptom of the high blood pressure and high blood sugar combo.

Her phone is 503-320-9744, if you want to talk with her. Might be a good idea to check in even when things aren't emergency and just keep a finger on the pulse of the situation. Times not to call would be commuter times (7-8 AM, 4-6 PM) and lunch (12-1) when she has to feed people. She's usually up until at least 10:30 PM--she's a "night person", so doesn't mind calls later in the evening. She's more free then, actually. But during the day, we communicate quite a lot through her cell phone.That email is: 5033209744@VTEXT.COM (her phone numberwith no spaces--note two 3s in a row.)

If using the cell phone email, when you reply to her message, erase both the Subject and the message, because they count as characters, and there is a limit of 160 characters, which is just a little less than 2 lines. Abbreviate "whn U can".

So, that's the update. Pray for him. He's a stubborn guy, but God knows how to reach him, and Chuck told me he still goes to church now and then, to SDA church nearby. (That was before his first stroke last year.) So he has not abandoned God, and I don't believe God has abandoned him--if for no other reason that Mom prayed enough prayers for him to extend far past her lifetime!

God bless you, bro!



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dragon Shaman 2

Click the title to hear about my latest book and see the cover! While I wait for the official proof copy to arrive for my editor (Faith) and I to look over, I can start on the third installation.

Also, the Bridging Ceremony for Athena's scout troop was today, even the babysitter went to see the event. Athena herself didn't Bridge as she is transferring to the McCloud troup, but in a way that is Bridging.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Deck so far

Well, here it the back porch so far. The common wall is half way up. Only two more boards to put on and one has to be cut a bit as somehow I got off kilter. Oh well, I am not going to undo everything and unless you know it, I don't think anyone will be able to tell. You all will have to come and see and let me know.


Gonzo 5 months 7 days

Sunday, June 14, 2009

SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!!

Did you hear me yell? If there was a loud yell that emanated from the coast that would have been me. School is out and summer can begin.

Dick and I had a 'brotherly bonding experience.' He was good enough to give me a haircut so I didn't have to go to the barber. I said I wanted an Afro, but he got a little carried away. I guess I should have taken a hint when he started saying things like, "oops, sorry, OH &#*@, you did want it short, didn't you, and OH NO!" I think he may have a future as a barber but he needs to delete a few phrases from his vocabulary.

Jack’s son, David, arrived for a visit on Thursday night. He rode his bike from Weed, CA, a distance of about 190 miles. It took him about 2-1/2 days. That got me thinking that I NEED a bike. I haven’t had a bike in about 30 years. Glenda arrived late Friday night and we’ve had a great time visiting and showing them the sites.
Saturday, Dick, Glenda, and I just drove around and went on a couple of short walks. You know ocean vistas, flowers, beaches, sand, surf, and sea lions, blah, blah, blah. Saturday night we were going to go to the beach and have a beach fire but it was kind of drippy so we just made a fire in a deck fireplace on the back deck.
Today, Sunday, we went kayaking around Whaler Island in the harbor, checking on island-bound geocaches, and looking out for more harbor seals and sea lions.

Come visit us, it’s a good excuse for me to go play and avoid doing work that I should probably be doing.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Wow, I did it. Here is Triscuit

This is our new dog Missy.
Hope this works.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Big Stuff!

Well, to read one part of it regarding my latest book, you can read the publishing blog! And once you follow the link and get there, if you hover your pointer over the links given at the top, you can get to either of my storefronts.

In other news, tomorrow I move to my apartment! I'll be sure to show you what it looks like once it's set up. I won't have phone until the 16th though. Not too bad a wait.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Towing Company Trucks and logo

Hope yall like, wanted to show off my rigs in the company that im tryin to start and my sigh i made myself, had the sign on the van that went 2 the last reunion but the print faded off cause they didnt finsh it so i had painted it, didnt ocme out 2 bad i think, hope yall like
the first is my 1970 Ford 1 ton with wheellift
2nd my 1955 Chevy 2 ton Wrecker
3rd my 1972 GMC that im makin into my trailer hauler so i can tow trailers like goosenecks, 5th wheels, regular bumper an pintle hitch trailers
and the last pics is my signs that i redid


Newest Family Additions

The Chichuaua's name is Zippy. He has a lot of energy and 1 1/2 years old. A lot like Killer but lighter and a little bigger. The reddish one is Cabbage. She is a dingo. A little chubby and 9 years old. Their owner is disabled and having to move where they don't allow pets. Right now I am a foster mom. I get to keep them if I should decide to but I have been warned that their fate is not good if I don't. Zipper has taken over Killer's spot on the back of the couch. They both took to the other animals here and they to them. Zippy has to be snipped yet and the society here (SNIPPS) will do that and do all the vet stuff for me as they need shots and stuff. I also have in the house 4 baby chicks in a box in BJ's room, and a cat from Joe and Lynn in my bedroom that hides in there as she is pretty anti social. They are all doing really well. Zippy runs around and wants outside but as soon as you put him out on the leash he wants back in. In a day or two I will be able to let Cabbage out by herself I think. I am beginning to feel like a zoo. I also have an abandanded kitten, and two others with a mamma that I have in here. Pretty soon I will be able to let them out too. The little one needs to be just a bit bigger. Anyway I thought you might like to know and see.

Love to all. Illa

Thursday, June 4, 2009


were having my favorite event.
thunder, lightning, rain, wind. wish you were here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

To post a picture.

I find that I am more successful using Internet Explorer than Safari.

Here’s one way to post pics on Picasa, maybe not the best way, but one way.

Open up Picasa.
Select picture and look for blue border around picture.
Go to File-Save as. There will be a multi-digit number that you can leave as is or change to whatever you wish.
Select where you want to save file: Save in-Desktop
This way it is easy to find since it’s visible on your desktop with the number of picture or the name that you gave it.

Open up Blogger Dashboard: http://www.blogger.com/home
Go to New Post
Look for the 2nd to the last icon from the right that looks like a small picture.
There should be an window that opens up that says, Add an Image from your computer.
Select Browse this should give you the option of where to upload your image from.
Look in or on the Desktop and select the image that you have saved there.
Select the orange tab that says Upload image.
After the image has been added you can title it, add text at that point and Publish Post.
At that point it should be online and viewable by all.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lets c if i can figure out this thingy

Yep, its BJ

Finally got an account thin on here an tryin 2 figure out this thin, hope it works


Monday, June 1, 2009

Deck Progress

This is the progress so far. I have moved those stupid blocks so many times. Have a few more to change again to set the ones that will hold the wall for the room at the end. Then when that is set up and roofed, I can move to the front side. It is slowly getting there but faster than I really expected. I do have a bit of help but I am doing most of the manual labor. I do know one thing tho, I am going to change the set up on the front side. It may take a few more boards but I think it will be easier to put up.



We made Colorado with no more mishaps; got to our camping spot and had a day to rest before the kids showed to join us. This is us playing miniature golf. We stayed in an RV park in Glenwood Canyon; a very aesthetically pleasing environment. We saw a bear and a couple of it's cubs across the river. That made the place kinda special. But we could be in downtown L.A. and the kids would have made our trip for us. Having a great time, wish you were all here with us. Hugs and kisses from PnK

A Mountain Highway Adventure

Yesterday, the Jeep, which still has no name other than Jeep or Buddy, broke down near the rest stop south of McCloud (and north of Bartle) on Hwy 89. I was driving along, headed back up to the kids and a class I'm trying to get to today regarding important papers, Suddenly, I see a puff of white smoke coming up out of the defrost vents at the base of my windshield. This was accompanied by a whiff of burnt peppermint (like if you toss a candy on the fire, not like if you toss the leaves on) and my "Oh crud..."

So I pulled off the road and let the engine cool. Meanwhile, I opened up the hood and was overwhelmed by that awful smell. To be sure, I was looking for more smoke with visions of engine fires dancing in my head. Luckily no, and I didn't have one of those extinguishers on hand. Maybe I should invest in one to keep in there. Of course, I managed to not see my fan belt had come apart and was wrapped up. That was discovered later.

I turned on the engine (remember, the fact the fan belt shredded was still undiscovered), and it made a horrible noise that I just can't describe, so I shut it off again. Called mom, and Bj... couldn't get either of them at first. I sent a status notification off, just in case the unthinkable happened and some nutjob stopped to offer help and hauled me off. Unlikely, but one never knows. I even called Adam.

Of course, it was hot, I was actually sweating hard, and I had no water in the vehicle. This is actually unusual, I always try to keep drinking water on hand just for such emergencies.

Eventually, I was rescued. Meanwhile, CHP had checked on me, and a group of bikers had stopped and sent one of the ladies to wait with me. As she put it "leaving a young lady alone on the side of the road is just unacceptable." I was rather grateful, as I'd already seen one buzzard circling me (to my morbid amusement)
and I found it strange that so many people were stopping.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that so many people stopped to make sure that I was ok and whether I had help coming, but with every person stopping I began to wonder how much longer it was going to be till I met someone I didn't want to. Bright purple, a pretty (I guess. :P) face with cell phone in hand, sitting outside of a car way too hot to stay in seems to draw a lot of attention.

Like I said though, I was eventually rescued. BJ and April, with some water, and and friend, came. While I drank water like my life depended on it (it did, I didn't fancy a trip to the hospital for an IV or anything) they inspected the engine. THIS is where the fanbelt problem was discovered.

Uncle Peter, that karma thing about vehicles came round full circle. I'm sorry I laughed at your ancient tire, though old tires should grow beard to show that they aren't safe. Later today we will discover what else is wrong. Hopefully it's just the serpentine fan belt that needs replacing.
