We had a great day, right now he is resting, Chuck took me to the Folsom Zoo, then we went to Red Hawk Casino, after that it was up in Apple Hills, also saw a beautiful
SDA Church, and stopped by that, and meet some of the people, (not as great as the people where I attend), when I can. I love my Church by the way, but the location was beautiful, and they have a market that they sale what is in the area. He bought a berry muffin turnover, and banana's, we ate that at the place, the market is great!!!! When we reached the house I took his blood, from the turnover his blood, went up to 170. so it showed him, what can take place. I told him, that he could have the same thing if it was done with
equal, and watching his blood, he still can
enjoy what he wishes as times.
He is learning that he can eat what he has in the house, and we are working on this area, also he is so wonderful to work with. He is wishing to have the life how he wishes, and I agree. Also that how he wishes needs to be supported by his sister's and brothers. We wish the best for him, he can control it with food, but also if it does go to high, or low, I have a way of dealing with this, so he would not need to go into the hospital for this need.
Also family he loves the Lord so much, and that is where his heart is. One reason, he has problems talking, is that he is a quite soul, and with the people he worked with, the social contact was not there, like out in the real world. We will be making the family reuion, he wishes he had attended more, so also be aware he is starting to plan, and see about having to make up for the one that did not take place. Here in Folsom.... He has a wonderful sense of humur, and don't be suprised, what he plan's for ya all, laugh.
It's good for him to be back home and be aware if he went to some place else, his spirit is here, and I feel it would be the worse place for any thing to take place about this, we have talked, and he is always saying, I wish Jesus would come, he wants to be with God and Jesus so much, isn't that wonderful. Talking about us all being together as family, and not spread out all over the place.
Love Lili