Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to tell you all how great it was to see everyone at the reunion.
Sandy and Jim thanks so much for all you did and opening your home to all of us. I loved seeing Gonzo and getting to see you kids. We had a great time.

Now we are still trying to get settled in at Suzy's. We are working on getting Certified. Her life here is really busy and we are trying to keep up. It is great being with family. I still need to get up to see my daughter and Lili and Lisi and Jess.
Love ya all

Sunday, September 27, 2009

News from McCloud

Well, the kids and I are doing fine. Athena's had a mild form of the swine flu, but she came through that beautifully. She's to be tested to get some extra help with her school work as well.

Athena goes to church as often as she can. She enjoys the sermon more than the classes.

Merlin enjoys getting to sit in front of the nearest church every morning, as the parking lot there is where he gets picked up from for his trip to school. So Monday through Friday, he and I watch the sky change together, cuddle under a blanket to keep warm, and admire the beauty around us.

I've been keeping busy taking care of the kids and catching up on some art projects I'd committed to for a role play gamesite, Dragon Hearts (link), that I help out with. Currently I finally finished the image version of the game map, though some time in the future there will have to be additions as the map is slated to expand in the next game version. I also have several landscape scenes to paint for area display as the players wander the map. The ones I've finished so far are forest, sea, and mountain... I have several other land types to complete, so the project isn't done yet. I do have what's been completed so far up in my Deviant Art (link) portfolio though.

That's been definite practice for my artistic skills, and showing just the forest scene to some people around here, I've been told I should make myself available for custom greeting and holiday cards.

Other than this, not much has been going on. Kids have been happily playing with friends, not-so-happily doing school work, and eating so much I suspect a growth spurt is due soon... yet again. Must be something in the water... *laughter*

~Teresa, Athena, Merlin, Lightning, Banzai

No partridges in pear trees here.

Yeh, it was like this: I took my shoes off to air my “dogs” and what did I see in front of me? You’re right. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, The Wild Man of the Forest, Oh-Mah, or what ever you want to call him. I don’t know, I guess he may have been attracted to the aroma of my feet!

Andrew, Rachael, and I went hunting again yesterday. It was a very successful day except for the fact that we didn’t see any legal deer. In fact we only saw two deer all day. We did see a lot of squirrels, big salmon jumping in the river (we each saw one but not the same one), 4 bear, and a lot of grouse near a pear tree.

I think the gray squirrels over in Siskiyou County may have some kind of mutual death wish that they’re all taking part in. As near as I can figure out it goes something like this. Two very bored squirrels sit along alongside a well-traveled road. They're probably the miscreants of the squirrel world and should really doing something constructive like preparing for winter or at least laying out in the sun catching the last rays of summer. But no, they are daring each other to dart in front of oncoming cars and run down the road in front of the car as long as possible before veering off to the side. I’m not sure what they get for winning other than bragging rights and the cheers of admiring fans (hopefully of the opposite sex). Maybe, they’re betting stores of stashed nuts. Judging from the pressed-out remains in the road it appears that it’s one of those types of races that you can win a lot of times but only lose once. One of those winner-take-all kind of contests. See, the Darwin Awards are alive and well in the animal world too.

My students at school always ask me after I get back from taking a sick day or a long weekend, "Mr. Hooper, how come you always come back all tired, scratched and beat-up looking, itching from poison oak, and your pickup has even more scratches on it? In spite of the way you look and smell you have a big grin on your face. You must really enjoy being sick."
To see pics click on the title.
P.S. If you can get your hands on the Oct. issue of Nat Geo it's awesome! There's to be a special on the Nat Geo Channel called Climbing Redwood Giants Sept. 29 at 10 pm ET. I think it's based in part from the book I just finished reading (that I highly recommend) The Wild Trees by Robert Preston, published by Random House. 2007.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jess and Lili- moving from St. Helens

News from the State of Jefferson

I hope all is well with everyone. It’s been a very busy time since everyone left. Sandi has had to change teaching assignments after about 10 years in the same position. She’s moved back to a self-contained 6th grade position and changing classrooms, twice. I don’t envy her at all, but I know that she’ll do a great job. As she is fond of saying, she's "been busier than a one-legged man in a $*##-kicking contest." Of course, her mom’s visit came at a very inopportune time. She was here for a week but Sandi didn’t really get much time to visit with her.

For me, it’s been business as usual. You know, teacher goes “blah, blah, blah” students goes ‘blah, blah, blah” and we all go home. Andrew and I went hunting last weekend…for four days. It was great. We saw 5 bears, 10 deer, 2 elk, a fox, a huge Bald Eagle, but no Bigfoot. The animals over near Orleans are really smart. Not just the animals I mentioned, but the ones in the campground where we were staying. I was just ready to fall asleep about 10:00 when I opened one of my eyes to see a dog walking quietly across in front of me about 5 feet away. He was carrying an opened full package of our banana muffins in his mouth. No, he didn’t take the opened package that had two muffins left, he had to take the unopened package. I opened up other eye and the last thing I saw as he walked by was the wagging happy tail that belonged to that light-toothed mongrel of a dog. About five minutes later I saw a mangy rat come by to see what may have been left. I shined a light at him and he took off. I rolled over and went to sleep not wanting to view any more of the local thieving wildlife.

By the way, have you seen the October issue of Nat Geo.? The feature story is the redwoods. Jed Smith Park and the local area are mentioned. This was especially interesting to me as I’m reading a book that Andrew and Rachael let me borrow. It’s called The Wild Trees, and it’s written by a guy named Richard Preston. It’s basically a story about how a few amateurs set about climbing and looking for the world’s tallest tree. The Stout Tree where we walked down to only rates in the top 50 of tall trees. They (without any government or corporate funding) have found the world’s tallest tree VERY close to where we took that hike to the falls. Only about 12 people have been there to view the tree. I highly recommend the book.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Family :-)

Hello Everyone!

Mike and I just wanted to stop by and say hi! All is well with us. We really miss everyone. We had such a great time with everyone in Crescent City. I still want to move there :-) Alyiah is now in 1st grade. She loves it. She had show and tell on Monday and since she couldnt take her lil sister Izabella she took the rocks that her Daddy gave to her from the Beach in Crescent City. I thought that was so sweet. She enjoyed telling the class about it :-) Well we hope to make a trip again soon! Sandi please tell your beautiful daughter n laws hello for me :-) Have a good night everyone..

Much love!

Rajnita Schell.... Suzanne's beautiful daughter n law heee heee :-D~

PS Mike is sending kisses.... xoxo

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jesse and I attending church this morning.

I thought you might like to see Jesse Sutter. He is Glenda's grandson, Lydia's brother, adopted by our Pastor and wife when he was an infant. Since we've always attended the same church, we've enjoyed watching him grow. He is fine young man, well balanced, respectful and his parents say, "he is brilliant". Life sure does pass quickly - doesn't it?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Illa Garcia Clan photos

Hope this works. I am trying to post photos.

Here again.

Let me know if this works.

Click on title to see the pics.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

kind of like this ?

Some of our pics

I need to be able to figure out how to post all the pics like Jim does. Most of them came out good. I had a great time considering. Will have to do it again and hope the weather is better and none of us get sick.

Love to all. Illa


Monday, September 14, 2009

Our pictures

One of my friends is hosting some pictures from shortly before, during, and a bit after the reunion. My friend Rowan was kind enough to offer to do this to me as I was trying to send a zip file of the pictures to several family members by YIM, but kept running into problems that aborted the file transfers...

So... Garcia Pictures ... <----- follow this link.

There will be stuff from the park here too.

I enjoyed the reunion greatly, even though I spent most of it not feeling well and trying to keep from spreading it around. It was very good to see so many of us there, to see family that I'd not gotten to see for a while.

~Teresa, Merlin, Athena

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Uncle Jess 70th Birthday

Lisi and I would like to see if we could pull off a surprise birthday for Uncle Jess, as he is turning 70 Nov. 12TH. We could see about it being in Springfield and it would be a great location to gather, also a good location form those from CA.

Get in contact with Suzy and Bonnie, and let them know if you can attend,..... that includes all of you kid's,.... it would be great and he can make it there. Also let me know, lange.alilia@yahoo.com. So, that I can know what I am working with, as I would like to get picture's done with uncle, as he loves you kids' so much.

Also as I don't have a phone, this is the only way that we can connect, ........... love Aunty Lili

Rough Ocean + Fishing

If you thought the waves were rough last weekend during the family reunion you should see them this weekend. Frothing waters, waves bursting over offshore rocks, huge sheets of water 200 yards long and 2 feet deep washing over the jetty. The beach we had the first campfire at (Battery Point Lighthouse) pummeled with shore break. You can see from how frothy the water is (behind me in the picture) that the ocean has been churning like it's in a giant, industrial mixer.

And speaking of fishing, salmon and steelhead season is going to be getting underway in about 2 more weeks and usually lasts until the end of January. If you e-mail (hooperandrew@gmail.com) me asking about the fishing conditions on perhaps a Wednesday I can let you know whether they're good, bad, or ugly and you might plan a fishing trip down here. It's well worth it when you hook into a 30 lb. salmon or 15 lb. steelhead. No prettier, more peaceful place to spend your time but on the river.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Howdy from Andrew

Hey Folks,

Just wanted to post a real quick note saying that I really enjoyed the family reunion and thank you to all of you who traveled a long way to get here.


For me, the reunion was a good thing, but a sad occasion too. It's hard to come to grips that Ben could only be there in spirit. It was a stark reminder that we are mortals subject to the laws of life. To bring this many people together for a common purpose is difficult at best. I come away believing that we have more in common than what is different about us and this extends to all extended family.

After a real 'high' experience like what it was, I must guard my emotional health and realize that for myself it will be followed by a 'low' experience. Lucky for me this has been a crazy busy week at school. Chardo and I had a great conversation on endorphins and the importance they have to our well-being. It was nice to hear from him about what I believe is so important. I do feel the need to feed my endorphins when I'm feeling low. I find that I feed them by being out in nature and doing something physically difficult.

Sandi and I want to extend an invitation to all to come to CC for a weekend or even a week. We have a warm dry place where you can stay. There really is a lot more to see. And, it gives me another excuse to go out and play.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bon Loves Kids

I noticed, when ever I looked over at Bon, she was hugging a child.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The geneology and health web site.

Click on the title for a link to the company that provides genetic testing for genealogical and health information.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Reunion. Monday.

Click on the pic to see it in a better format.

Reunion. Sunday.

If you click on the picture it will take you to my online album where you can view the pictures in a larger format.

Reunion. Saturday.

If you click on the image it will take you to my Picasa album where you can view them in a larger format.

This is what i call having your kids well trained. Good job Rich,

Can you find waldo?

ahhhh, WHAT!!!! (sorry its out of focus, couldnt get chardo to stand still long enough:)
just because i really like this pic
over the river and thru the woods


There he is

Thought i would post this picture of brother Chuck. It was good hanging with him for a while. I wish he would of stuck around, but i can understand his anxiety.
This was taken from the crescent beach overlook about 1 and a half miles from crescent city. On the way up we saw 5 or 6 beautiful elk crossing the road. All i could think about was what a nice steak they would of made. Chuck wanted to get out and talk to them, but i suggested NOT.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Family Reunion ..

It seems the younger generation has finally decided to show an interest in being part of this family ... I am so glad. Course Teisha and Lauria are the forerunners; but until this year it's been hard to get the kids to really show an interest outside of just showing up ...

I feel it was due to the location of this years reunion. It wasn't about exspensive things to do, just really enjoing each other and nature. It's really time for this younger generation to become family and let their kids know each other. Family is ' in' again !!!

Let's keep this unity going. I want to be Aunt Suzy to my neices and nephews 1,2,3, times removed !!!

To all the family that couldn't make it ... how can we make it happen next year ???

Monday, September 7, 2009

2009 Family Reunion

Just wanted to say thank you to all the family who made it to the reunion, as for me and my family we had a great time, thank you to Uncle Jim and Aunt Sandy for letting us crash your compound last night it was so nice to meet and get to know alittle more family i sure hope we can all stay in touch better than just year by year....Crecent City is abosolutely beautiful rain or shine... I wish we could have been able to get to know aunt Illa and her family more, im sorry that we werent able too.... we have tons of pics we will go thru and post asap...

Love Mike, Rajnita, Alyiah, & Izabella


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Short Big Tree

When you see these trees in all their glory, it's kinda sad to see them end like this. I'm really not one to get sentimental about a plant, but these trees are like the whales of land, you can't help but feel they are worth more than field mouse. But just imagine how many cord of wood the guy got out of this tree! (Bye the way, this was a comparatively small tree)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

He was here, then poof, he was gone!

Chuck, that is. He popped in Tuesday night and called Dick about 9:00 pm. We were out of town until very late. He and Dick got together on Wednesday and toured around seeing a number of places that he hadn't been to in awhile. We all went out to pizza Wednesday night and after he returned to his motel. This morning, Thursday, Dick waited around for him to call and then called the motel about 10:00 am. Chuck had checked out and we've not seen, heard, or otherwise sensed him. To be continued...........
P.S. Illa and Teresa (and kids?) are at the KOA

Family Reunion & Bonnie & Rick

We'll see you all tomorrow. I am sorry we have not been in touch much since Chardo and then Bonnie and Rick came home ... we've been so busy getting things cleaned up and reorganized. We've all been working hard to get them all settled in ...

So glad they are all home. Since Lili and Lisi and Jess won't be making the reunion, we'll all head up to Pdx soon to visit and ofcource help Lili & Jess get their things sorted out and cleaned up ... hopefully.

Life is sweet .... Course they all might ahve second thoughts about living near me ... they are working their behinds off ....


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reunion Itinerary?

Here is a rough idea about the possible things to do while everyone is here:
Friday night: Everyone arrives in CC.

10:00-4:00 Drive thru the Stout Grove Mill Creek to see the Redwoods.
End up above Patrick Creek on the Smith River and let Lueria test
out the rope swing. Hopefully the weather will accommodate.
4:00-6:00 Go back to campsites and change clothes in preparation to go to
the beach for a memorial service for Ben. Illa’s choice.
6:00-10:00 Memorial service and beach fire. Hotdogs, smores, and whatever at
the beach (hopefully no wind).

10:00-2:00 Kayaking in the harbor (we have to take turns), auto tour of the
harbor area.
2:00-6:00 Agate hunting at the beach of Dick’s choice (he’ll be doing 'boots
on the ground' research tomorrow).
6:00-8:00 Whatever…….

Big circle on the beach as a last hurrah.


it aint easy being green.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do your kids know what love is?


Have you ever thought about it? What is love? What actually happens when two sets of eyes meet and they 'fall in love'? Is there something physical that happens, or is it something spiritual? What is the actual mechanism that triggers this feeling of 'being in love'?

If you watch much TV, you hear it all the time, “I just don't love him anymore”, or, "mom, I think I'm in love". When you hear something like that, shouldn't it provoke questions like, what has happened? What actually ceased or started, that was there or stopped in their relationship?

Love can be an emotion, an action; a feeling; a generally disposition. Love can be a simple decision. There's diverse types of love, because there is 'mother love'; brother love; God's love; love among friends; and romantic love. All which provoke different responses and emotions in us. You wouldn't respond to your mother, who you dearly love, the way you would a finance. Both are very strong feelings, but somehow different. Like the song, 'When a man loves a women', if a man had to choose between his mother or a lover, it really wouldn't be a question of who he loves more; it would be more, how he loves them differently.

We "love" our dogs, our pet rats, our parents, siblings, kids and spouses. I've heard of people loving their pet crickets! Does our love for them give them value? Or has this thing, or person have intrinsic value, and everyone should love them (love me, love my dog)?

Where do most people get their views about love? From TV, love songs, feelings? Wouldn't it be better to get our understanding about love, from the One who is Love? I'm suggesting this would save a heap of trouble for us and our kids, if we led them this way. 1John 4.7-8


Just to let you know, Jess has his last treatment Thursday, in the pool, still having pain in the leg, and he feels that the ride to the reunion would be to hard, and I tend to agree, with him. His leg turns purple when he has it down to much, and still in a lot of pain.

I am happy that he is doing so well, but he was really hurt, and it is going to take time, his walking is good but needs a cane, and is working to get better, so I will be staying home with him, and work to getting what we need to work on,... as he did not do this while I was down helping my brother, Jess was so great in understanding Chucks needs. Also Jess was able to do what he needed to do, while I was gone, doing housework, and what he needed for his own good.

So, much needs to be done, and we did see the lawyer, and he agrees Jess is in no shape to take care of the place in St. Helen's, so we are needing to empty the place, and he will see to the last xray, then we meet the lawyer for the settlement.

So, will be moving everything out of St. Helen's, and move him forward, he is thinking of signing on for another 6 months. We just don't know what to do, but he needs to be where he can be able to walk and get around in the area. Jess is having to make some big changes, for himself, and he is not to happy, but with the recovery, it will take time.