Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Watch Part II

I'm really not sure who is doing most of the talking here, but whatever it is they're deep in thought. Claudia is due any second now.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meet Alexander James Hooper

Rachael's parents did arrive in time for the birth. Everyone came through the experience in fine shape. Alexander weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and was 21" long. We all tried to guess the weight and length ahead of time and the price was a $100,000 bar. I'm not going to even get a crumb as I was way off.

welcome Alexander

8lb 60z 21 inches


Done deal

and we are 1 more strong :)
Congrats to Andrew and Rachel.


Jim and Sandy

are waiting in the hall 5:27pm

Sunday, May 23, 2010

family reunion Emigrant lake Aug6-8

please save a site at 1-541-774-8183 or
sites at $18 per a night for tents. Im in site #35 i think. under lueria miller by the RV area's . Check in is at 2pm. 8 people per site 2 tents max

Waterslide  $7 for 1 1/2  and $12 for 3 hour play on waterslide.

only 2 cars per a site and the second car is $6 a night added. 

5505 hwy 66, Ashland Ore
from 1-5, take Ashland exit 14, east on highway 66 approximately three 1/2 miles to park turnoff.  

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hi, just a update about Alicia. My mom.........

Hi, I talked to my mom and she said she would like you to know.  She is having surgery June 3rd at 9am . They will put some tube in her, her kidney is not working well.  She has had some tough news for her and I. She needs to start dialyses. She will be having it 3 times a week i believe and go to a clinic for it.  I don't know the name of the hospital. I know its in Vancouver Wa. I feel so sorry about this news.  I took her to the beach for mothers day weekend. We had a blast together. She says she wants to come to the family reunion. But we will see how she feels.  Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Rick has been helping her with these issues.  I don't much details so any questions please ask Mom or any of them. My mom does not mind them sharing information.  Uncle Jess and Alilia have also been invited to all the meeting. Its great to know she has great support group. I feel blessed mom has her sister's there for her. She is happy. Please feel free to call my mom Alicia anytime. She is a night owl now days so call anytime. hugs

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby Watch-Wednesday

No baby as of 7:44.50 PM.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

They're ready, just add baby.

Rachael and Andrew are ready for a baby! She is due on Wednesday, May 19. Alexander will be making his presence known any time now. In fact there are already large signs around town that say things like 'Alexander for D.A.' (Daddy's Adulation).  Randy and Claudia are due on Friday, May 28. As I said before, we're going to be knee deep in Hoopers around here pretty soon.
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Family Reunion

Hey All;

Well every year my kids and I have tried to make it. But as our family grows and finances grow shorter, it is not easy to take the time off and travel each year. Well this year, Bianca turns 21. Big year for us. She chose the place to celebrate; not Las Vegas as we were sure she would, but Florence, because she has a quad and her mom and her are addicted to the dunes. So we've rented a vacation house and will be there for the weekend of July 30-Aug. 1. If anyone cares to join us there, you are welcome. It's under an hour from Eugene. So the Lange/Schells will be having thier own family reunion..we'll miss you all. Hopefully all 30 + family members that are north will consider driving to Florence for the weekend.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

not to over ride PnKs post...

But i made a major accomplishment tonight. I made fish for Chuck. This is a first in my 35+ some years. and he ate it. Which in its self is an accomplishment.
Thats all i have to say.


OK, looks like 3/C. Let's go for it! Anyone who wants to go into a family camp site, Lueria has a large group tent site spotted. It'll hold a bunch of people, and it appears large enough where we can have our meals. Contact Lueria she'll fill you on the cost- which split up does't sound like very much. We're looking forward to seeing all who can make it. Love you all, PnK

Monday, May 3, 2010

A man (eventually) and his remote is a beautiful thing.

Now that I have your attention let's vote on a possible time and place. As I see it we have three possible places (1) Florence (2) Valley of the Rogue Campground in Rogue River (3) Emigrant Lake Campground and Waterslide in Ashland, that have been suggested and three possible dates. (A) June 18-20, (B) July 30-Aug. 1. I think that this is the where Suzi and family have a prior plans. (C) August 6-8.
Speak now or forever hold your peas.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

just trying to get a clear picture.

So it looks like the reunion this year is a bust? Seems we all cant make a decision on when, where, or who can make it. Last I saw posted was the idea of June, which only makes it a month away.
Some other locations have been suggested, but to far for us down south to drive or to far for those up north to drive. Dates are an issue for others that already have prior commitments that dont make it feasible to take time of so close together.
Trying to get a reservation this late in the year could prove to be a challenge.
Not trying to be negative. Just want to keep the possibility of it still happening a probability for those that can make it.

This was in my creek a while back

I thought since we don't have a whole lot going on the blog you might be interested in some of the creatures that visit our creek. I snuck up on it as it was easting huge quantities of periwinkles. Love you guys. PnK