Tuesday, June 5, 2007

family tree response.

The problem with trying to do a family tree is this. instead of branches being at the top of the tree, the roots would be at the top.
Lisi, Lili and suzi were adopted by E.W. Lange.
E.W. Lange had a son named Jack.
Jack adopted Bonnie.
Jack and Betty Lange never adopted me, But yet Bonnie is my sister as is Lisi, Lili, Suzi.
I however Called Jack and Betty mom & dad.
Now Lisi and Lili and Suzi were Jacks sisters by adoption.
So by Jack being my dad they are now my aunts.
BUT Jack is also Lisi, Lili and Suzis' Brother as they are also my Sisters.
Following this line Bonnie is the aunt of Lisi, Lili and suzie who are the Sisters of Jack.
Now my sisters who are also my aunts are the sisters of my Dad (jack) but not the brother of Bonnie?
So in conclusion I am my own uncle and my own brother and my dad is my brother. And by common law. If it so exist
Not related to any of you jokers:)

Kentuckians have nothing over US


Peter said...

Thanks Chuck; this was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.

other said...

When it gets past direct brother and sister I get lost pretty easy. Now that you mention it, this really is a confusing family.

other said...

Suzy, Lisi and me, Joyce and JoAnne are the aunty to as were adoped by Emil and June, Jack and Richard Lange are the ones born into the family:, Doug, Bonnie, Gorden,Bonnie, Rick, Vicky, and Bob. As Jack and Richard are my brothers, ( I have the family tree recorded in my work that will go into my book, that was one reason I was trying to get all the kids names to put it together. Love Aunty Lili. I have no children so do not have a family tree going from me. Lueria is Lisi daughter, though the two of us get mixed up
