Monday, August 20, 2007

Alicia is out of the hospital

Thank you uncle Ben and Aunt Glenda for the help updating everyone. 4 kids, work, house and mom, it's hard to get on the computer. It's easier to text short heads up. Well mom is out of the hospital. I know taking to Aunt and doctors I know, she will be going in and out for a long time. With the diabetes.......or how ever you spell it, the body is braking down. I feel so bad for her. But she is in good sprirts. I feel helpless with all of this. but I keep praying for her and for all of us. thanks for spreading the word about mom. thank you for all your love for my mom. hugs

Lueria (Alicia daughter)


Peter said...

Thanks for the update Lueria, that's great news.

Sandi Hooper said...

Glad to hear that she's out of the hospital Lueria. Thanks for taking the time to update everyone. Please give your mom our love and let her know that seeing her so happy and upbeat at the reunion was a real treat. And let her know that we hold her in our hearts and love her dearly.

Just as we do YOU.