Sunday, September 9, 2007

I am finding as I am getting older that my hands seem to be more adapted to activities like fishing, head support while napping, or observing nature ( altho I haven't quite figured out what to do with my hands while observing nature.) Sometimes I keep them in my pockets,, or use them forpicking my nose. However, if Bonnie is with me, I can use at least one finger for pointing out things such as animals, birds, or dancing trees. Bonnie does think that my hands are quite well adapted to running the vaccuum cleaner as long as furniture moving isn't involved. She will not let me help her fold clothes ( which I would otherwise consider to be a social event, or a covert mating ritual) Something about her mother teaching her that it was improper to fold underwear with the crotch facing out. My theory is that if I happened to inadvertantly wear said piece of wrongly folded clothing, I could compensate for it by walking backwards. Us men are more cleavor than women know. LOL Rick


Jim said...

Towels. Towels are my problem. Whenever I have to fold towels it always turns out like some type of origami experience. Whichever way I do it, it's always wrong. You'd think I'd have it down after 28 years of being married, but there are just too many sizes of towels and wash clothes!
The underwear thing, I've got that problem solved. In fact, I'm so efficient that Sandi never sees me folding them. I always do it and have it done and put away before she walks in the room. I learned that I can't do it correctly, so I'll just do the Nike thing. "Just do it"
Don't lose faith in my laundry abilities, I match socks pretty well...most of the time.


Anonymous said...

thats one thing that ive used all my life from my training in the military. how to fold clothes to maximize the most minimul of spaces. Yes I fold clothes.