I am reading a book by Dr. Robert Young called, "The pH Miracle For Diabetes" It appears that most diseases are a direct result of too much acid in our bodies due to the American diet. The body will do anything to protect itself from corrosive acid in the blood stream including creating a protective layer of colesterol in the veins, or storing lots of fat in the body to isolate and store the acid away from vital organs. This way it puts off our dying to later instead of sooner. Acidity is involved in such diseases as cancer,diabetes, heart trouble,high blood pressure, arthritis, alzheimers, demensia, depression, lack of energy etc. As near as I can tell, you have to stop eating everything you like and start eating everything you don't like. This is something I wouldn't choose to do unless chained to a wall, but I am battling with high blood pressure and diabetes and would very much like to improve my situation naturally, without having to buy out a pharmaceutical chain, (or however you spell drug store.) Seriously, its all about eating foods that are alkeline producing rather than acid producing...also, exercise is good for helping to keep a pH balance. Endorphines are right up there at the top, I'm sure. Truck driving falls pretty far down on the list. ps. Luv you too Suzy. I agree with you and Jim that getting out in nature is about the best thing one can do for body, mind and spirit. Endorphines rock!.. and so doees being part of a great family!
As for the book, "Seven Biblical Truths You Won't Hear At Church", we sent copies to everyone excetp Ben and Ila and Dick. We need to order more books and we need some addresses. I had a wonderful upbringing and would not complain about my parents, or family, but it was based on legalism... trying to please God by keeping the law. The problem is, a person can never feel good enough to be saved, mostly because the law was never meant to be kept. It was meant to drive us to Jesus.
Trying to live for Jesus can only bring frustration because we find ourselves in a never ending cycle of trying, failing, confessing, trying, failing, confessing. When we invite Jesus in, we are saved by grace through faith. Not based on any of our works, but then we think from here on out we must somehow dig in and figure out how to become perfect and sinless and after 59 years, Ive about figured out that these old bones are never going to be successful at pleasing God. So what is the solution? The solution is in understanding that when we receive Jesus as our Savior, He comes in and gives us rest from all our struggles. He makes Himself responsible for getting us from here to there. He promises that what He started, He will finish and that He will not lose even one of us. And He will never leave us, or forsake us. So instead of stressing out over my failures, I ask Jesus to work out His will in my life and then I rest in Him. This works really good because now instead of being stressed out by my weakness, I am filled with gratitude for His strength, His love, His patience and His ability to get me through. Now that I understand this relationship I am amazed at how full the Bible is with this concept of rest. This was God's idea, not mine. I'm really starting to dig the fact that it is true. And if I go through some hard times and can't understand them, He is probably just sanding off some of the rough edges, or dealing with my ego, or jacking up my trust factor. In a world and a nation that seems to be falling apart , there is no foundation worth standing on... no political leaders... no bank accounts...no earthly forms of security upon which to cling... nothing compares with the one on one relationship we can have with Jesus. When all else has turned to dust, there will be us and Jesus for eternity. Selah. LOL Rick
Monday, October 1, 2007
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I also think we loose focus on WHY we try to live right. If we love someone, should'nt we TRY to please them, Even if we fall short? To say I accept He will change me, and continue to do wrong, then why follow laws of man or God ? It seems to me we should try to follow the commandments BECAUSE we believe and LOVE what He has offered.
I think what I am TRYING to convey is, I can and did try the lagalism concept too. It is not because I HAVE to, rather because I want to, and yet I know I will fail, yet, again, He knows I will but I try because I love Him and want to show it even though I can NEVER measure up. Please, feel free to disagree, this is how we learn. By opening up and discussing !!!
Rick and Bonnie,
Thanks for the book, "Seven Biblical Truths You Won't Hear At Church." It's next in line to be read. As much as I love the fall, I'll be glad in a sense to have those early evening that are soon to come as it allows more time to read.
Yes, thanks for the book. Already started it. Problem is, I'm in the midst of four books now! I better be careful I don't get them jumbled.
Ben, your response, as I see it, to the law, is exactly as it should have been. 'The just shall live by faith' is a quote from the OT. (Habakkuk 2:4)Read through Psalms, you'll see how 'delighted' the law was to God's people (Psalms 1.2)But it's not until the Apostle Paul, that someone started to sort out the different motives for following the law. (Romans 7-)One being 'one being, to delight in God's ways'; the other, attempting to follow the law, then finding status with God and man, thus insisting God owed you a blessing.
7 Biblical truths, as near as I've read so far, speaks to the wrong motivation. Which, by the way, can be easily slipped into; even if we know the truth.
Now I know I want to get the book too, anything to make man mull over what is really important and gives a chance to motivate the mind is what I thrive on.
Peter, thanx for sending the Romans 7. I had to reread it about four times and it clicked in !! SO much wisedom when we study the words and start comprehending them !!
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