A friend of mine and I went perch fishing at Kellogg Beach just north of CC. I probably caught 20 perch and let all of then go. They're probably 1 to 1-1/2 pounds each. Legal minimum size is 10 inches. It was fun and we were really into them. 50' down the beach...nothing. They are really good filleted out and fried in butter, but I didn't want to hassle with it.
This weekend I was actually responsible. I know, it's hard to believe, but I didn't play. We worked around the house, me too. I need to get back to work so I can get some rest. It was a really nice weekend in CC, cool, windy, but nice. There was a big car show, but we didn't go, too many people. I washed the windows, mowed the yard, worked in the greenhouse, hooked up the water to the fridge, trimmed the trees, cleaned the cobwebs off the house (Sandi doesn't like spiders), and put new flappers into the toilets, gave away some bookcases...sans yard sale.
I'll see if I can get back on schedule and play next weekend.
Looks like fun! Karen and I are just back from visiting for a couple of weeks in Colorado. It's sure feels good to come down from the clouds.
Because of a very slow dial-up I couldn't get on line much in Colorado. Getting together more than once a year sounds good to me, especially if the Hooper's are going to bring donuts. I'm also assuming that we're going to have the main reunion at the coast as well. Suzie just has to finalize the date, and work out the spot with JnS.
Not to preempt the coming discussions, but on our sweet niece's comment of people killing in the name of God: Jesus said, "many will say unto me in that day, Lord Lord, didn't we do many wonderful works in your name......., I will say to them, I never knew you. (Matt.7.22-23)
God has no problem forgiving a repentant murderer or anyone else that does something evil; But there is no forgiveness for the person who insists on making God party to his evil deeds. First, because the person thinks his behavior is endorsed by God, and there is no need for forgiveness. Second, because that person is so far from God's obvious will. Have you seen the trailer for Bill Mayers movie on religion? He thinks it's so clever to ask, "why doesn't God destroy the devil now?" (there is an answer by the way). But does anyone believe Mayers really wants an answer? He and the religionists both have something in common - they both are using religion for their own ends, neither are interested in the truth. And it is certain, truth can not be found unless it's really wanted.
Some might ask, "well, why in the world would someone not want to find truth". Easy, most are like teens in a hurry to go somewhere, it's easy for them NOT to check the note their mother usually leaves them. When adults, we become really good at saying 'we only want what's right'. We become very good saying the right things and covering our selves but ignoring truth; for the obvious reason that it might mean chores or some other inconvenient thing.
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