I think I may mave heard Gonzo say his first word(s). I think I heard him say, "Grandpa." In fact I may have even heard, "Grandpa, when are we going fishing?" It could have been the light, but that's what I think he said.
I don't know about everyone else but I needed a Gonzo fix and have been thinking of him alot. He has got to be the cutest kid in the world.
Give him a big sloppy kiss from Aunty Bonnie and Uncle Rick
I really love babies, my rotten boys stopped after only giving me six grandchildren.
hes a studd.
I''l bet he has everyone and I do mean everyone, wrapped around his fingers. Forget the little one, he probably uses both hands. He is a cutie.
Love to all, Illa
i don't know about you but I love the toes on babies. He is too cute.
OMGosh, I need more grandbabies!! He is soooooo kissable! I just want to hug him, kiss him and tickle him!
Look at that fist, we worry about out kids and grandkids, look at Gonzos eyes and his body language. He will fight and make a different just as his grandma and grandpa have with everyones lives they have met.
Great Aunty Bonnie loves you Gonzo.
I think he's pinching himself to see if it's just a dream or if his life is really as wonderful as it seems.
This is one of the most beloved babies I've ever seen. And he may end up being a fighter, but I can tell you from sweet, sweet experience that right now, he's a lover 100%!!! OHHHHHhhh those cheeks!
Thanks everyone for your kind sweet words.
you know hes saying. "I know im going to be as cute as uncle Dick when i grow up, I mean just look at me. Have you ever seen anybody as handsome as me and that has cheeks like me?"
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