After that i suggested that we go and see the lake. or should i say pond, since california has no water.
We drove around a little and i suggested that we drive by the prison, you have to be very specific when you ask chuck a question, i should of said "I want to see the prison" :). we drove by a place that had razor wire on the cyclone fence. I asked him, " Is that the prison?" he said, ugh. so i gathered it was not. so I kept driving, next thing i know we were in Auburn. :) The place with the razor wire "was" the prison. It was actually a nice drive. well from that point on i knew where we where. we drove around the old court house, by the way its a beautful old structure. with a dome. what a rich history this area has. we drove thru the middle of old town and looked at some of the older structures. WOW.
we didnt get out and walk, next time we will.
From there we drove up 49 for about 5 miles and then cut off to go across the Foothills Bridge. which is the above picture. its 16 feet lower than the Golden Gate in San Francisco.
I fugured we were this far so we just drove to Placerville from there along hwy 49, what a beautiful drive. I was here in 2006 when i worked a fire with BLM, so i had an idea where we were. well we got home and had lunch, on the "short trip to the prison" we did take some yogurt and a little snack so he didnt go hungry.
He woke up a little cranky this morning, he didnt want to take a shower and refused to belive he had night issues. but i told him if he wanted to argue about it he could sleep in a wet bed. end of story. well he calmed down.
well right now were watching White Christmas, or should i say Im watching it, for the second time today.
Jim you would be proud, he can cut wood just as well as you zzzZZZZZzzzzZZZzzzzZZZZZzzz :)
Were keeping up on his meds, I think thats the most important thing right now, is to have someone that will stick around to make sure hes on track with them or else he wont take them. The other issues are minor in comparison, for now. I just stand back and let him walk with his walker, and if he has a problem walking, i let him work it out till he asks for my help. We did go for a very little walk outside for a little bit. Im trying to do that once a day for now. next week itll get a little longer. So all in all it was a pretty good day for him i think.
Everyone have a good Christmas, and remember the reason for the season.
Peter, thanks for the card. we both injoyed the letter very much.
That sounds like a great day. The older I get, the more I'm in to just hanging with family. 'Fun' has taken a different meaning than what I thought when young. Hey, it's cheaper too! Maybe I'm just getting lazy.
Dear Dick, there are some beautiful area's and I did love it there, while I was there,... we did drive to move beautiful area's, have him take you to Roseville to the aution house and he does like the museum's,... He is one for walking through and not stopping to get out, showing the location, but not stopping to really see it.
He had me doing his shot's and I did make sure he took his meds.
I do feel that with you working with him, he will be more workable, and I know that he likes stuff his way, and where he put's it.
I had stuff he needed to go through in the closet in the computer room, you may go through that with him. So, he knows where it is, as it was stuff I picked up from all over the house, he needed to see what he wanted to keep.
Thanks my Little brother, the house is going good, and Jess is having the car's go in to restore.
I know we have lost a lot from the location, but believe we know who has removed it, so as life is good, I am happy Suzy and all took what was taken to her location.
Thanks for the update, sounds like you're working a miracle down there! I've got my fingers crossed that your New Year's plan works out--I think that will be good for everyone.
I know that the quality of Chuck's life has improved a million percent having you there. Not as sure about your life's quality, but it sounds like you may have found your life's work...
hugs. Keep up the very good work!
It sounds like you accomplished a lot. There really are a lot of pretty places around there.
I'm glad that you can be there to ensure that he takes his meds.
i dont know how much i have really accomplished. im just doing what needs to be done. even if he likes it or not. most of the time he dosn't.
Remember, Dick, caring for those who cannot care for themselves often is a battle of the wills. What you have on your side is his best interest & the strength of the Lord to help you with His plan.
I have not been to that area in over 50 years and would like to visit a little of the historical areas you mentioned. I remember it was so beautiful when I went up to Whitney's wedding in 1998 - he got married in South Lake Tahoe. I will have to check out a map and figure out where Folsom is. Love you guys.
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