Friday, February 26, 2010

My scary term paper is done

It's done, and I feel like I gave birth. Well, without the whole "oh my, I've been split open and laid a cannon ball" caliber of physical pain. My Buddhism paper is finished, checked, had some minor redrafting, another good proofing, a tumble through the turn it in checker... and has been submitted.

Ahhhhh... It feels good. I feel accomplished. I also feel like it ate me alive.

With it done, I'll have a little time to read in Steven Disney's manuscript and get caught up on that! Whooo!

I still need to come up with a topic for my Japanese Thought paper that will be due in four weeks, but I think I've done really darn good considering how much time early on was lost to that power outage. I'm darn impressed with myself that I managed to catch up and keep up after that.

*flexes muscles*

Now I'd better go before since my "boss" from Dragon Hearts yells at me YET AGAIN to go to bed. Rowan and I tend to keep each other company while we work on our schoolwork even though he and his wife to be are currently on a working holiday in New Zealand. He's done it (telling me to go to sleep) several times today since I got home, and he's been doing it so often lately while I've been hammering everything out that I've totally lost track.. and don't want to go count them, or how many times he's threatened (good naturedly as I'm stubborn) various retributions if I didn't.

Anyway, this was a pretty big thing for me since I was worrying about it more than my COLL100 (Intro to Online Learning) paper. Now I just have a paper for Japanese Thought due in another month, and probably one due in two months for my Asian Peoples class that starts on the 1st.

Thanks so much for posting about everyone's various doctor appointments, house things, and social stuff. I really appreciate being able to come here to read, and also seeing various updates on Facebook.

Also, in not so happy news, Athena's weird tooth infection has come back again. She's on antibiotics yet again and has another appointment with the dentist next Friday. They plan to do a full root canal on that tooth, want it watched for a month or so again after that. If it comes back after THAT, then they will remove it, but are reluctant to do so as she is so young, it's a key tooth, and it's a permanent tooth.

I just want all that over as she's missed so much school due to recurrent problems that she is getting held back to repeat the 3rd grade (in addition to some disagreements with the teacher).

Merlin at least is doing well and healthy as an ox. He's actually started doing classwork in school now! He's been bringing home papers on math and money stapled to his daily report, in his own handwriting.


Peter, Peter, Peter....

Do you know anything about this?
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Dr visit

Well we had the neurologist appointment today.
When we got to the hospital it was raining. This is like the 4th time that it has since Ive been here. It is so refreshing and almost feels like home. Anybody know where that is? I let chuck out at the main door. The hospital has these little ON-demand golf carts that will zoom you to your destination if you cant crawl there. So chuck go taken to the building that he was supposed to have his appointment at and I went and parked and walked to the building. I told him to wait for me and dont go anywhere. I got there and no Chuck. The cart was there but not Chuck. I looked all over and couldn't find him. I decided to go and check the back entrance to the hospital and there chuck was wondering around.
We had to take the elevator to the 2nd floor. I would have walked but that would have taken another 1/2 hour Except with Chuck.
Jim, I know what you mean by listening to people in the waiting room. Except it was more like.
"well i had a knee replacement last year, and now im making another for 2 months from now"
" i had my hip replaced 2 yrs. ago. and a rotator cup last month"
"ya my knee is bothering me and the dr. wants to replace it"
We went to the Dr and she asked chuck several questions and he did pretty good in answering.
She watched him walk and listened to him talk. Some questions he gave his view and i had to correct him in areas.
She started him on a new med :( It is supposed to help with some seizures that he has.
Although she made a statement about how not maintaing his BS and not taking his meds might of brought on some of the newest issues. But was encouraged that we had gotten his BS on track without the BS meds.
She confirmed my suspicion. But what do I know, im not a Dr. and dont claim to be all knowledgeable.
They are going to do an MRI, EEG, and some other alphabet letters that I missed.
Anyway we were there talking to the Dr. and I had to take off to get to the Pharmacy to get his new meds before it closed. The Dr. finished up with him and took him down stairs to wait for me. I got there and went up to pick him up. And guess what. He wasn't there. At this time the offices were supposed to be closed. So the security guard asked me "what you want son?" This office is in the same building as the mental health facility.
This guy looks just like the guy from "family matters" 300+lbs black and really a nice guy. But also a little imposing. He called on his radio and a couple minutes later here comes chuck with a VA cop. I think ill get one of those leashes that you see mothers have on their kids so they dont run off.
So now hes in his favorite position, sawing logs.

nurses visit

The home nurse came in today and checked Chuck out. She was happy with his BS over the last week. Its been in the 109 -148 range. only twice have we had it above 135. With no meds for the BS.
His BP was good. a little on the higher side of good, but she wasn't to concerned. We went over the diet a little bit. Some things will change, but not to drastic.
She was a little concerned that we had not heard from the PT/OT yet. but we should hear from them today or on monday.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


You know that the white is to warn you to go. the red guy is to tell you to Run like crazy :)

the other side

We went for a ride today up to Georgetown. 44 miles from Folsom up in the Hills. This is the same area that is part of the Rubicon trail. Its really a beautiful area and away from the city.
We drove about another 14 miles past Georgetown and ran into snow, so we turned around and found some of road roads.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


All is good here, so busy and looking to be doing a lot more stuff,.......... so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me. As now all are on line, with Lisi also. With facebook, I am also on line to connect with my older sister Joyce. It's great. I do go there more as so many family member's are there and the children.

Jess is doing great, but he wishes to stay away from the drama of the family, as I do. Life is toooooooo short, in that department, and all we wish to do if have some fun, have him getting better, ...

I have talked to him about the motorcycles, and that it would be great to have him sale these and get the Harley he has been wishing. With working on the place with myself, and Rick, he is realizing he's needing to take it more easy, and working area's of the body, he is getting stronger. But, also feels it. I just make sure he does not over due, also when he takes a break, Rick takes a break. They both tend to want to keep going, so as it is, when I need to take a brake, I make sure they do this also. All is good.

The place is really clearing out, and both Rick and Jess are having fun working on it, all I am there for is to make sure, they don't over do. Also I have the help of both, when needed, or I do have other's to do the heavy stuff with me.

WE are all happy, and I look forwards to when I can go back to work in the area I so love to do.
I will be reading the posts, but I am like Suzy, out there in life also.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

News from Loma Linda

I'm keeping a journal because........I don't know, just because. Click the title if you have the time.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hi from Lisi

I now have my own laptop. I'm just learning how to use it. Bonnie is helping me. She is wonderful . I'm blessed to have her. I'm doing great and I love you all.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

for Jim

Chuck and a buddy

If you dont recognize him, thats John Schneider from the "Dukes of Hazard". He was at the Auto-Rama hot rod show. We got there at 10 Am and left at 4 PM. This is the most walking i have seen Chuck do since I have been here. (which is a good thing)
Really some nice custom cars there, but i really prefer the restored cars more

Friday, February 19, 2010

new events

Well the good news is we finally are getting Chuck some expert help. This is probably overdue months ago.
A nurse came to the house today and talked to us about home care. One of the things shes doing is to come and check him out every Friday. BP, BS, BM, Med Management. The nice thing is there will be someone that i am accountable to. What a relief.
Then we are also be having a dietician come to the house to go over meal planning, and diabetes education. Although ive gone thru the classes before, I would not even assume that i know everything there is to know. Especially with other peoples lives at steak. I dont think you ever do.
Then, he will be getting PT. A therapist will be coming to the house and doing it here. I think this will be one of the best things for him.

I had a dr. visit at the VA today, same as Chucks Dr. I was very happy with my the physical. liver was not inflamed :) all the internal organs sounded good. she looked in my ear with the light and didnt see out the other side. might set me up for an eye exam.
we are going to do blood to check on the things for the HCV and the diabetes, and go from there.

I am really excited with whats going on with Chuck, "I" really think that with all the people that are going to be here to work with him, we could see a big changes. if he co-operates.

It goes to show you that Gods word is true. and i shared it with Chuck.
What the devil meant for harm. God turned it around for Good.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

were happy

so far.
after dinner tonight chuck wanted to walk out to the mailbox. so i asked if he wanted me to go with him. he gave me a definite yes.
after we went to the box we were coming back and i "asked" him do you want to go for a little walk. he said, sure why not. I was like really surprised. He never says that. i asked are you felling pretty energetic. Yes. :)
so we walked to the end of the block and back. took about an hour. but it was his decision to go. WOW.
his spirits are up and he even got my humor - a little.

I took his BS at 6:00 170. at 8:00 171. I am not happy, I am very happy :)
Im excited to see what it is in the morning,

Thanks everyone for your encouragement and help.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Chuck in ICU as of 10:30pm
Just in a nut shell chucks BS got very very low. 30s/40s range. I took him to the hospital today and they gave him some gloucose and raised it to 219. an hour later it was 141. an hour after that it was in the 50s. They tried for 9 hours to make it stable and it would get to a reasonable rate (75-150 is good) and within the hour it would drop below 50. so they decided to put him in ICU and will be testing every hour. then if its a decent level twice in a row, they will check every 2 hours.
if it maintains 2xs every 4 hours they will move him from ICU.

Thank you Suzi for your help in making the decision i should of made yesterday. Im really upset with myself that I didnt follow my first instincts.

thats all for now after spending 9 hours in ER.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hi ya all,

We are still among the living. Just got hooked up to Internet today and caught up on every ones news.

We are having a great time with Lili and Jess and Lisi. It has been amazing how God has been leading in our lives. It's been a wild ride and so rewarding. We still have the same cell numbers. We are in Vancouver and live in the same apartment complex as Lisi. Lisi is doing really great and is very happy. We love being together and even found a great church we go together to every Sunday. Except we we are sick. We have been taking turn with this stupid flu. I have had it 3 times since we moved out West.

It's great to be able to catch up on everyone again. Our prayers are with each of you. Love Rick and Bonnie

Trip doooowwwwwn

Click the title to read the latest from LA.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

sending love to all

Just wished to let you all know how much I love each and very one of you, on this special day............ Hugs and kisses to all. Lili

Friday, February 12, 2010

Family History

I think I told you about a 'Rouzaud' emailing us, saying our home town is in The Pyrenees Mt. of France. I knew my great grandfather's name was Geronimo, and I ran across this image online. Turns out the fellow who posted it it is a distant cousin. He told me he has 2500 entries in his family tree. He's going to send me a copy. This genealogy stuff is fun, but I think it's going to be a lot of work.
I can't really add much of anything to what has been said by everyone involved about Chuck's situation. Ultimately, it's better to be proactive than reactive. I'm glad, in a sense, for Dick. He has said in the past that he wants to work in the service industry. Now, although it may be a different service than what he'd hoped, it is, never-the-less, a service in the industry, albeit the service of the industry or experience of life.

I think there is something in all of our genes about the wanting to, or the need to serve. Everyone in our family unit has worked, or works in some facet of a service industry. Where this comes from is any one's guess. I believe that some in this experience of life are 'takers' and some are 'givers.' I believe that we choose who we are based on our past life experiences. Some are 'late bloomers' that only recognize our place when we are directed into it. I see myself as a 'late bloomer.'

I must defer to Dick, Illa, and Mitch's judgment as to Chuck's state of being. Also though, I will be interested to hear what the neurologist has to say about Chuck's mental state. I have to believe that the combination of improper diet, job stress; which I believe has led to strokes, and lack of taking prescribed medications has led to Chuck's present condition.

Thank you, Dick, Illa, Carlene, Lili, and Mitch for all you've accomplished.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Latest from me

Well, it's been quiet here in McCloud for a while now. Everyone is long ago dug out, the lights are on, and the snow is melting enough that when you drive over the hill, you can see even more of the trees that fell over. School is going well for me, not so well for Athena due to some oddness between her and the teacher... Merlin is doing well and beginning to work with other students.

It's not going as well for a couple of my friends though. One (whose name I can not give out publicly, but can mention in email as long as you also promise not to mention her name openly) has had her husband lose his job and may lose the home that they, her mother, and her pets shared. Mom in her awesomeness will be letting them pull an RV in to dad's hookup if it comes down to that and they aren't able to find somewhere else where he can get work, until they are on their feet... meaning that the software man may have to commute to Redding looking for work in that eventuality.

My friend that edited my latest book for me is losing her welfare funding, and is trying to get her SSI. She has severe diabetes and can't stay on her feet for long at all due to some very bad arthritis and other things. So she is pushing harder at trying to get her freelance editing going. If you click the title link, it will take you to a post on StarDragon Press's blog giving more info and contact information. So if you know anyone needing books edited or even a college student needing a paper looked over, please pass her info along. She has a large family and both her and her husband are disabled.

Adam has also been hit by the bad luck stick, and tore the ligaments of his left foot off the bone, so he's currently on Vicodin and crutches. He was trying to help a friend of his that had been cutting out in the woods and had the misfortune of the battery going dead in his rig. So Adam, being helpful, went out to bring a spare and intended to bring the other battery to his house to charge it... and stepped in a hole out there, necessitating a jaunt to ER.

So keep these people in your prayers please. Much love to you all!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

LA mudslides

If you read my blog about our trip to LA 2 weeks ago you'll remember that the GPS-in-the-car-lady was not as knowledgeable, nice, and sweet as I first thought her to be. Remember, she's the one that led us off on that small windy two-lane pot-holed road with no traffic called ‘Flint Ridge Road’ and who I learned some new four-letter words from. Unfortunately, they were all directed at me. Well, I was just listening to the news on CNN and it seems that in LA there have been some mudslides on, yes, Flint Ridge Road.
Next time I think I'll just use the map on my phone, at least it doesn't yell at me. I may even drive around by Death Valley just so I don't have to drive near Flint Ridge Road.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

incase you didnt know

im one of them in the family that can admit it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

This weekend

I get to go see my sister for a couple of days. She "says" were going to go to Church street. Ill make sure i take pics. Maybe "she" will follow the caution signs this time. But i wouldn't guarantee it, but I am going to watch my step around her anyway.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

mustang and crown

We hare having them restored, so that we can have fun showing them, also fixing the motorcycles to ride.........................

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sandi said it right....

"Who believes a rodent from PA anyway? I refuse to believe it. Spring is coming!!! I saw a lot of little lambs and calves and trees budding and the daffies are sprouting in the yard. Winter is over, you hear? Get your shades out and handy!"

I'm ready, Besides, I got my blood work done and my PSA was 7.0. I guess the 8.5 previous increase was from the kayaking the night before, but I'm still going for treatment on the 16th.

Just wanted to share a sunset over Lake Folsom