Ahhhhh... It feels good. I feel accomplished. I also feel like it ate me alive.
With it done, I'll have a little time to read in Steven Disney's manuscript and get caught up on that! Whooo!
I still need to come up with a topic for my Japanese Thought paper that will be due in four weeks, but I think I've done really darn good considering how much time early on was lost to that power outage. I'm darn impressed with myself that I managed to catch up and keep up after that.
*flexes muscles*
Now I'd better go before since my "boss" from Dragon Hearts yells at me YET AGAIN to go to bed. Rowan and I tend to keep each other company while we work on our schoolwork even though he and his wife to be are currently on a working holiday in New Zealand. He's done it (telling me to go to sleep) several times today since I got home, and he's been doing it so often lately while I've been hammering everything out that I've totally lost track.. and don't want to go count them, or how many times he's threatened (good naturedly as I'm stubborn) various retributions if I didn't.
Anyway, this was a pretty big thing for me since I was worrying about it more than my COLL100 (Intro to Online Learning) paper. Now I just have a paper for Japanese Thought due in another month, and probably one due in two months for my Asian Peoples class that starts on the 1st.
Thanks so much for posting about everyone's various doctor appointments, house things, and social stuff. I really appreciate being able to come here to read, and also seeing various updates on Facebook.
- Mood:
accomplished and thankful!
Also, in not so happy news, Athena's weird tooth infection has come back again. She's on antibiotics yet again and has another appointment with the dentist next Friday. They plan to do a full root canal on that tooth, want it watched for a month or so again after that. If it comes back after THAT, then they will remove it, but are reluctant to do so as she is so young, it's a key tooth, and it's a permanent tooth.
I just want all that over as she's missed so much school due to recurrent problems that she is getting held back to repeat the 3rd grade (in addition to some disagreements with the teacher).
Merlin at least is doing well and healthy as an ox. He's actually started doing classwork in school now! He's been bringing home papers on math and money stapled to his daily report, in his own handwriting.
Doesn't it feel good when you put something as intimidating as a major paper like that behind you? Good job. You earned the right to relish the moment. OK, that was it. I hope you enjoyed it.
For your Japanese paper how about something the deals with the cultural aspects of water? How the presence of water effect the beliefs of the island nation.
Sorry to hear of Athena's tooth problems and the pain it's causing but glad to hear of how well Merlin is doing.
Dear Teresa; I'm impressed too! About your illustration, using childbirth. I guess I better not tell Karen any more, "I know it couldn't have hurt THAT much". And your excellent report to us has reminded me how much I hated school. And why I think you and Glenda are Super Women (and a bit nuts too)
I have more news! My instructor for Buddhism class has a very awesome turn around for paper grading...
I have 100% perfect marks for my term paper and for my final test. I'll have an A on my transcript when he posts my class grade too!
Ohhhhh.... I Liiiiiike that subject Uncle Jim. I'd actually been kicking that idea around this morning since the three focal things I've noticed while reading on my own is the focus between water, mountain, and sky.
BTW, so I don't have to keep looking for Jim's Blog link, I've included it on top at the right column. If you have a link to your blog, or web site, I'll include it, let me know. However, let's not include 'favorite links' to 'this and that here', since it will fill up too fast. But a link to your site, then your favorites can be included in your personal blog site.
The other comment was mind because it didn't include my name: Peter
Sandi will get you if you dont sign you name.
good job. that is great news about school . I feel bad for Athena. Tell her please we send our love and prayers. She is strong and brave with all the infections. Glad Merlin is doing good. hugs to you all.
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