Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just in time

So for the last 2 days ive been busy replacing 2 rotten fence post with less rotten fence post. The fence was at about a 30 degree angle ready to fall onto the neighbors motorhome.
Now was a good time to do it since the neighbors are gone for a little bit.
Once i got the first one in the second one was easy. except dropping it down a 6 foot bank. Which another neighbor help me retrieve. Destroyed a couple of rose bushes, but i know the neighbor wont mind, they rent. And a couple of other little nusences that teach patience.
This has been on my to-do list for the last few months. And now its done. WOOHOO

So today it decided to rain.
Now its time to go back and wash walls. (or something)


Jim said...

Isn't that a great thing, to cross something off your to-do list??? One less thing to do.

Peter said...

A chore that has been defying you, taunting you, daring you for months to tackle it. Finally you make your resolve, you stretch, crack your neck and knuckles, you get the eye of the tiger, you grit your teeth, and concur the monster. Ah yes, that feeling of relief, the ecstasy of vanquishing the hillside and it's fence! Then Chuck says, "hey, when you going to make dinner"?

Anonymous said...