Tuesday, May 22, 2007

medical stuff for Illa & me

Well, Lets see what happens. Tomorrow and for the next 3 days we will be in Redding, me for my chemo and Illa for further studies on her lymph problems and neck pains.(not me this time. With Peter, Jim & Dick helping maybe we will figure out this high tec writing. Paper was so much easier. Then you just threw the paper away !! lol Ben


other said...

Well, we'll all be thinking good thoughts for the both of you. And, you should have plenty of time to cruise the net and get familiar with your computer.

Peter said...

Today, the 24th, Ben and Illa are dealing with their medical issues. Karen and I have had just a minor taste of what they are going through; your entire life revolves around doctor appointments, hospitals visits, lab tests, going to the pharmacy, going through procedures, back to doctors, on and on. On top of this you got to be constantly communicating, or argueing with the insurance companies. We all know how fun that is. And let's not forget, this is Lisi's and Lili's life too. Ben being a typical 'guy', we know this is especially hard on him. Us guys not only dislike the process, we hate it. If it weren't for our wives and families, many of us guys would be content to just rot away. So pray for Ben and Illa, Lisi,Lili and Jess. Pray first that they would always look to God for His perspective about their sufferings. Then pray this would produce a positive mental attitude, since this will help the body heal and build stronger defences.