Well i have had a couple of busy weeks.
Last week i spent 4 days in central valley in California.
Placerville, Foothills, Jamestown, Angles Rest, very beautiful area. Then I had to go to Modesto, and Turlock. I dont care for central california much at all. give me the mountains, the high desert and the coast. California is as diverse in its geography and landscape as it is its people.
I'm supposed to go up to Eugene to get my electric vehicle on Monday but I'm having a little problem getting a trailer. I called U-Haul and they said that with their trailer and tongue weight my hitch isn't rated high enough. So, now I'm looking a getting it shipped down here through an online company called uship.com. Evidently, people list what they want hauled and shippers bid on hauling it. What won't they think of next? I've never heard of such a thing.
That's all for me.
A viewer request (from Sandi):
Hey, when you guys post, could you please say who is posting? I'm assuming that the orange cat who doesn't like central CA is Dick, but that's just a guess....
I'm sure glad that you're all doing this--it's like an ongoing family reunion!
I carry you all in my heart and in my prayers.
best hugs,
Sandi (Jim's wife)
just keeps you guessing and your mind sharp
Ok, who doesn't know Jim belongs to Sandi?
As for the last comment before this. I think it's from that infamous recalcitrant flibberiygibbet among us.
Recalcitrant. "Obstinately defiant of authority or restraint." Plus it's fun to say. Recalitrant. Recalitrant.
flibbertigibbet - ENDANGERED,FUN
(flib er tee jib it) - An irresponsible, flighty person. Don't think I've ever heard this spoken.
posted by Dan Strader
Endagered, of course, flibbertigibbet (a silly person) is fun to say (just say it three times and you can join the fun too!). It is special because the word is featured in a great musical . . . The Sound of Music. Dont say the word too long or you might become flibbertigibbety (silly)!
at least im not ornithocoprous.
I think that all of your horizontal occilators are out of whack and need to be adjusted. But, it could be that your just whacked!!!
Opps, I thought it meant 'incredibly intelligent and handsome at the same time! Ok, we're all in agreement, when there's no name it's Chuck!
sounds good to me
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