The weather has been really calm in CC the last couple of days so at 7:00 this evening I decided to go for a paddle. Tony the tiger said it best, "It was great!!!"
immmm sooooo jelous. I got to get out of this hellhole they call portland. I ust got back from the coast today and i got to get out of here. oh and very nice pic jim
It is beautiful, or is it? But aren't you just experiencing a cultural reflex? After all, your perception of beauty isn't better than the next guys. He may get the same emotional reaction from observing a mud hole. Aren't all perceptions of beauty subjective? And therefore all such responses vain? Or at least the value isn't intrinsic, but only of true value to the subjective observer. After all, primordial soup is our creator, no?
On the other hand, creation could be pointing to God. Yep, I think so!
I don't think that any picture, moment, or experience needs to be analyzed to the point of its essence, as this only leads us back to something we don't really understand, be it God or whatever you choose to believe in. Your right, Peter, the water is probably too cold to enjoy, thereby canceling out any real enjoyment of the scene. And too, you're right, the clouds are only a harbinger of the bad weather to come. Also, the scene is the end of the day, which means that it will only get dark and cold. Even God must show us the bad side of life before we can really appreciate the good. I have much to be thankful for. Personally, I believe that most people would find more beauty in this scene than a mud hole. Tony is still right, "It was great." Jim
Ah yes, I am there too. I think it quite beautiful. But certainly there is nothing wrong with questioning 'why' something appeals to our senses. I have an atheist friend who weeps at such scenes, he is so taken with the glories of nature. I've asked him why he feels such a response, when he believes it is only a biological response. In other words, there is no real meaning in it. Like sex without love, it's only animal instinct, driven by biology."GREAT", like Tony says, but great because it has meaning. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork"
Hey !! I just remembered the enjoyment as a kid of walking in a mud hole and feeling it squish between my toes. Peter is right, both can have beauty in them. One must just look for it !!! lol
Wow, a picture can really say a thousand words, or, at least, germinate a thousand words. See, taking a picture really is just for people who are too lazy to write a thousand words. Jim
Well Dick, sorry to upset you, my son's say the same thing; "Dad, you overthink things" But I can't help it. I've been thinking about that, overthinking might be a virus. What do you think?
Beauty is objective. But there is a wide spectrum of what is beautiful; which confuses the understanding of it. However, we can say definitely that a Bird of Paradise is more beautiful than a Warthog. Anyone that says different is either a Warthog, who is driven by pheromones, or a person who is lying. There is beauty because there is a God, and since we were made in his image, we can appreciate it. Love, poetry, beauty, art, are all meaningless without God. Back to my analogy of sex. Even without love, it feels great; all animals like it! But it is the human, who isn't a hedonist, who puts it in it's proper context. Without worship, nature still feels great. Again, with worship, it has meaning, and it purpose is designed to point to God.
Wait a minute, you said in your first comment that, "Aren't all perceptions of beauty subjective?" Then in your last post, "Beauty is objective." Can it really be both ways? And, can't some people really feel that a Warthog is more beautiful than a Bird of Paradise? I've seen some pretty ugly dogs that the owners said that they were the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, so why not owners of Warthogs? But, as long as you're thinking, you might as well think big. Jim
Yea, that contradiction is attributed to bad writing. Two views are expressed there, divided by "on the other hand" No, beauty is not subjective, only among those who's minds are somehow lost from reality. I would put those who think warthogs beautiful in this group. Perception is stronger than reality sometimes: "There was a party, a young man and a young girl were chosen separately from the group. Taken into different rooms they were both blindfolded and told they were about to meet someone they knew to be very attractive. Kind of like a 'real' blind date. So they were both kept quiet and blind folded. When they were brought together by their friends, they were told they could now kiss one another. Of course they were experiencing ecstasy when they shared that intimate kiss. Just as they finished, their friends jerked the blindfolds off. Turns out their friends had lied to them, they were brother and sister.
These were two people who were blind about reality. They both were beautiful and the sensations the siblings felt were real, but the "meaning" was not there.
By the way, I like warthogs, sloths, chameleons, komoto dragons and so on. There is a a wonderful "beauty" in design. But to say a 20 year old pot bellied pig can be beautiful; then it must be also said, 'the perfect baby fawn can be ugly'. Peter
immmm sooooo jelous. I got to get out of this hellhole they call portland. I ust got back from the coast today and i got to get out of here.
oh and very nice pic jim
It is beautiful, or is it? But aren't you just experiencing a cultural reflex? After all, your perception of beauty isn't better than the next guys. He may get the same emotional reaction from observing a mud hole. Aren't all perceptions of beauty subjective? And therefore all such responses vain? Or at least the value isn't intrinsic, but only of true value to the subjective observer. After all, primordial soup is our creator, no?
On the other hand, creation could be pointing to God. Yep, I think so!
to the first paragraph....ahhh, WHAT??
to the second ..... YEP
I don't think that any picture, moment, or experience needs to be analyzed to the point of its essence, as this only leads us back to something we don't really understand, be it God or whatever you choose to believe in.
Your right, Peter, the water is probably too cold to enjoy, thereby canceling out any real enjoyment of the scene. And too, you're right, the clouds are only a harbinger of the bad weather to come. Also, the scene is the end of the day, which means that it will only get dark and cold.
Even God must show us the bad side of life before we can really appreciate the good. I have much to be thankful for. Personally, I believe that most people would find more beauty in this scene than a mud hole. Tony is still right, "It was great."
Moses, the sage, was first though; God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
Ah yes, I am there too. I think it quite beautiful. But certainly there is nothing wrong with questioning 'why' something appeals to our senses. I have an atheist friend who weeps at such scenes, he is so taken with the glories of nature. I've asked him why he feels such a response, when he believes it is only a biological response. In other words, there is no real meaning in it. Like sex without love, it's only animal instinct, driven by biology."GREAT", like Tony says, but great because it has meaning. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork"
why cant we just enjoy something beautiful without trying to over exam it, why? just enjoy beauity for beauity.
but isn't that the question? What qualifies as beauty, and why ?!!
Hey !! I just remembered the enjoyment as a kid of walking in a mud hole and feeling it squish between my toes. Peter is right, both can have beauty in them. One must just look for it !!! lol
Wow, a picture can really say a thousand words, or, at least, germinate a thousand words. See, taking a picture really is just for people who are too lazy to write a thousand words.
Well Dick, sorry to upset you, my son's say the same thing; "Dad, you overthink things" But I can't help it. I've been thinking about that, overthinking might be a virus. What do you think?
Beauty is objective. But there is a wide spectrum of what is beautiful; which confuses the understanding of it. However, we can say definitely that a Bird of Paradise is more beautiful than a Warthog. Anyone that says different is either a Warthog, who is driven by pheromones, or a person who is lying. There is beauty because there is a God, and since we were made in his image, we can appreciate it. Love, poetry, beauty, art, are all meaningless without God. Back to my analogy of sex. Even without love, it feels great; all animals like it! But it is the human, who isn't a hedonist, who puts it in it's proper context. Without worship, nature still feels great. Again, with worship, it has meaning, and it purpose is designed to point to God.
Wait a minute, you said in your first comment that, "Aren't all perceptions of beauty subjective?"
Then in your last post, "Beauty is objective."
Can it really be both ways? And, can't some people really feel that a Warthog is more beautiful than a Bird of Paradise? I've seen some pretty ugly dogs that the owners said that they were the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, so why not owners of Warthogs?
But, as long as you're thinking, you might as well think big.
Yea, that contradiction is attributed to bad writing. Two views are expressed there, divided by "on the other hand" No, beauty is not subjective, only among those who's minds are somehow lost from reality. I would put those who think warthogs beautiful in this group. Perception is stronger than reality sometimes: "There was a party, a young man and a young girl were chosen separately from the group. Taken into different rooms they were both blindfolded and told they were about to meet someone they knew to be very attractive. Kind of like a 'real' blind date. So they were both kept quiet and blind folded. When they were brought together by their friends, they were told they could now kiss one another. Of course they were experiencing ecstasy when they shared that intimate kiss. Just as they finished, their friends jerked the blindfolds off. Turns out their friends had lied to them, they were brother and sister.
These were two people who were blind about reality. They both were beautiful and the sensations the siblings felt were real, but the "meaning" was not there.
By the way, I like warthogs, sloths, chameleons, komoto dragons and so on. There is a a wonderful "beauty" in design. But to say a 20 year old pot bellied pig can be beautiful; then it must be also said, 'the perfect baby fawn can be ugly'. Peter
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