Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our turn ladies !

OMG >>> you guys ! Do you have any idea what we girls regularly deal with being women of any age! I really had to laugh at the stories. How's it feel to be ' invaded '! Did you have 20 medical students looking up you by any chance? Or have some straps holding your feet to a cold metal stirrup three feet apart? OR >>> I could go on and on, but I know you all know we go through this kind of thing all the time as females. I am actually a little wickedly pleased there is something like this that allows men to feel a tiny portion of the yuk and humiliation we face having a vagina & boobs just for your pleasure and child bearing! So beofre and after the pain and the pleasure .. guess what .. WE STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ALL THAT STUFF !! It never ends .. So every time you go in for your yearly, just be thank full someone isn't squeezing your gems in a vise; like they do our breasts, or shoving cold instruments up you while your legs are spread eagle with someone peering up inside of you .. on a regualr basis. LOL !!!

Your sister !


Peter said...

We've heard these urban myths before.

Anonymous said...

way to much estrogen. take a chill pill. or what ever you women call it now days
women were given the curse of child bearing.
men were given the curse of women with to much estrogen

Jim said...

Does this mean I'm not to get any sympathy?

Unknown said...

Quit complaining !! At least you like the "cold " stirrups" !!