I’ve heard it, but luckily not experienced it, the idea that just before one dies, they see their life story passing before their eyes. Wow, I’m not sure if I believe it, but in a sense it’s somewhat like believing in anything that one does not have evidence for. There is always the ‘what if?’ question. Our faith bouys us up in situations where we cannot prove, other than by the strength of our faith.
My point is not to cast doubt on any belief, but rather to take a look at my own life and see if I were to die today, what type of legacy and memories would I leave? What would I have done to leave the world a better place?
I went to a memorial service last week for a friend I’d known for 40 years. He was only 53 years old. Very nice things were said, there were many people there. It made me recall something I said to another friend at a funeral we both attended years earlier. I made a resolve at that time to tell people positive things about themselves in the present rather then wait to say it at their funeral.
If I view my movie at the end of my life, what do I want it to look like? Would it be a “B” grade movie, or would it be one where others would want to emulate? Since I am the master of my destiny, I am making my own movie, and thus determining my future.
Isn't that what faith is ? Not something one can touch or see, but having confidence in the idea?
Well Jim; I think you deserve an Oscar! You bring up a good point. However, there are legacy's that aren't apparent soon after were gone. Sometimes it takes years/decades, maybe even century's for a legacy to be fully shown.
Rick and I have thought of this so often. Having a clear goal to our purpose in life in the service of others and not ourselves is real joy, the unselfish giving and living a life not with the talents we claim to have but the talents we allow God to use for His purpose in our lives. To me that is the ultimate. We all long to be remembered in a positive way, and many of us will, but years later as history proves, many of those works are forgotten. What ultimately matters most is not what others say about our lives but what God says, because we are not just living life for the few years God gives us here on earth, rather this short life we have here on earth is a preparation for eternity.
I believe when we stand before God on that day of judgment, He will ask us #1, What did you do with Jesus, did we accept His sacrifice and allow God to live through us, did we love others as He loved us. Again, He will not ask about our religious beliefs and whether we followed this rule or that doctrine. And #2, what did we do with the gift and talents He gave us. Did we use them for the purpose He gave them for. It seems I can never live up to man's standards. But if I keep my heart set on pleasing God, no matter how many times I fail Him, I know He is always ready to forgive and lead me on.
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