Yes, I guess it runs in the family, this love of the rain. Sandi and I took the kayak up a small creek that flows into Big Lagoon (just above Patrick's Point). We paddled up until we couldn't go any farther. Then, the water was so nice (inviting, not warm), I had to take a swim. Think of it as rain, just more dense.
I like the kayak. How much did it cost ?
$350. Aquaterra Keowee II. I've two of these so far. Real beamy and thus stable. I've had 6 kayaks and bought 5 of them in the fall. They're cheaper at this time of the season. I only have two now.
Jim; I noticed, either your yelling at Sandi not to take your picture, which I highly doubt, since your an exhibitionist; or your getting attacked by a Lamprey, or your in anguish over the the cold water. Come up about January, our creek then resembles the Rogue river, it'll be plenty cold for you too.
I appreciate the compliment (?), but I don't see myself as exhibitionist but rather enjoying life, the essence of what I say 'carpe diem.
Exhibitionism, by defintion is [1] The psychological need and pattern of behavior to exhibit naked parts of the body to another person with a tendency toward an extravagant, usually at least partially sexually inspired behavior to captivate the attention of another in an open display of bare "private parts" — i.e., parts of the human body which would otherwise be left covered under clothing in nearly all other cultural circumstances.
I am swimming, maybe even with swimming attire. You are correct in your third possiblity, "anguish over the cold water." It did take my breath away, but then any great experience should do that. My goal is to go swimming every month of the year, even through the winter. I'll join you in your creek if we're up there in January.
Carpe diem,
ok, your not an exhibitionist, no harm intended. Just teasing my little brother. Your a Carpediemist! Actually, I admire your drive to experience life. You remind me a little of John Muir. When he saw a monstrous thunder storm coming, he'd run to the top of a mountain to experience the majesty of the moment. I've been tempted to do something like that, but I'm too lazy (or tired maybe). Congrats on following these good impulses.
I think it was more of a lamprey that makes Jim grimace! And I can speak from 30 years experience: Jim IS an exhibitionist--just a shy one.
Of course she'd say that. She's on the "A" list. The only one on the "A" list.
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