I guess this is better than crying.
I have to keep pinching myself to make sure all this is really true, that we are finally coming home. Never before has God made it more clear that this is His timing so it is the right time. Zack and our grandson are so excited to be moving here.
We are taking the last few trip to Goodwill today and then just organizing the rest of the boxes to load up the the truck.
This may seems small to some but to me it's huge. We are getting our truck and starting to load it on the 23rd. YOUR BIRTHDAY SUZY!!! And the start of our new life. This year is so special to us. Getting to finally see Gonzo, Richardo being with all the family now and starting his life with those that love him and us being there to share with the people we love so dearly. All of you have never been more important in my life as you are right now and I can't tell you how happy and thankful I am to you Suzy for giving Rick and I this opportunity to work for you which gives us this chance to come home. I know God will continue to bless you for the love you give. Just as the bible says, "As you do it one of the least, you do it to ME"
See Ya All at the reunion. I am so excited to see Chuck. I don't even remember the last time we saw eachother.
Can't wait to see you ... at this time we are trying to get things cleaned up around the house and property. Chardo is working his butt off ..he really enjoys working. We are still in the process of opening the otehr house .. in Sept. I am sure. that will give you time to do what you need to do to get settled in .. HURRY HOME !!
Oh Bonnie, it was great to talk to you and just can't believe we as sister's are reunited again,........ GOD IS GOOD :> we are all working for the God we love, in the needs of others, we as sister's have been blessed, in how we were taught, in serving other's, not caring what other's think and but we do care in the love of all and their personal view points, not in a negative, way, as we follow, the door's that open, in a sisterhood of understanding, for the path we did grow up in, where they have not walked, letting each grow in their personal path of understanding that is their unconditional love and the unconditional love we have for our children, and the brother's and sister's. How Blessed we are, can't wait until I know you are driving on your way, Rick, it is so special having you in this family, and you are so loved,....... and your children. God Bless you, and safeguard you as you bring your beauiful wife, and our dear sister, to start working in the family to the path that God has us all walking and serving as a family unit,,,,,,,,...... the old is coming into being and we are following in the pathway of our Family wishes as a group, these wild indians, and this will also be Bob, and with hope Vicki, as she is family also.... Though we do understand her path is with Richard, but we are a family of love.... WE are the luckest, family one could have , IN Christ
praise the Lord........
good to know that you are really making it back. It is a huge step. More like a leap of Faith. Can't wait to see you soon. It actually is soon. Drive safe coming back. Love you guys.
P.S. I have something to add to your "stuff" when you get to the reunion. At least it is usable and little. Really!!
You're just affirming to me to clean the garage...and the house... and to swear to never rent a storage unit. Thank you.
love to see you aunt bonnie. hugs love you.......
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