An article on CNN caught my eye a month ago, and I mentioned it on the blog. Thanks to everyone that e-mailed me privately about their future hopes, objectives, and desires. I feel that goals, plans, and aspirations can include many things. They can be large or small, long-term or short-term. They can be kind gestures, long-term goals, personal achievements and travel destinations. It made me think about the future but more importantly to focus on enjoying the present.
Like I said, I would post mine later. I have two lists, one for specific goals to be accomplished during 2010 and one for long-term goals. For me, I find that if I don’t have goals written down they are not likely to happen and life leads me rather than me leading life. This will be an evolving list, but it's a list.
Camp / fish on lake in Alaska with HB
Hike the Chilkoot Trail again this time w/ HB
*Many many road trips with HB
Many many road trips with HB
*Share as much time as possible with kids, girls, and grandkids
*Get to understand biological family better
See Death Valley with HB
*Hike portion of PCT (Seiad to Mt. Ashland)
*Put a geocache on Hooper Peak
Take grandkids on trips with HB (road, kayaking, fishing)
Go on motorcycle trip with HB
See the Great Wall of China with HB
Search out unique geological experiences with HB
Find a volunteer program to support with my time
Write a book
Make another list.
* means the summer of 2010
HB means Honey Bunny (Sandi)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
We went in for the MRI tonight, I asked when they would have the results. I expected them to tell me 6 weeks. Well come to find out they will have the results tomorrow and in the system by wednesday.
So hopefully we will be hearing something by the end of the week.
Ill update via e-mail.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sandi's Good Idea
Let's try to get everyone to say when they CAN meet. Make your connections give you at least 5 different weekend that work for them. Then we can match dates and get the greatest common factor. The sooner we can get these dates, the sooner we can make a plan. Sandi (and Peter says) By the way. Florence is good, but a bit far for some perhaps; and a bit cool for others. |
Just a suggestion. We've already paid for a vacation house in Florence for the weekned of the 30th. Bianca's 21st Bd. Florence is a lovely little town.
Just a suggestion. We've already paid for a vacation house in Florence for the weekned of the 30th. Bianca's 21st Bd. Florence is a lovely little town.
OK, it looks like we hit a major snafu. Let's try this again. As I see it, neither of these dates work. If we choose either date, we'll be missing a very large block of the family either way. Let's try anther weekend. Let's try to chime in early on a suggested weekend. WE CAN DO THIS, KEEP TRYING!
This we know: Chuck, Lisi and anyone close to them can't commit to any date, but we know they will come if they can---it's the larger (connected) family groups that have so many obligations that have the most difficulty. Karen and I, and other 'independents' have more open schedules. The reality is, it's up to the busiest of us- the big connected families, to arrange these dates (sorry). So get on it! By the way, Karen and I really want to see each of you- even the black sheep. (I think it's our sister Glenda this year)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
long walk off a short pier.
Well not quite. im not Jim ;) I did think about going for a swim, then i used common sense.
I got to get away for awhile today. I have been looking forward to going up to Donner Lake for 4 years. Driven past it many times, but never gat a chance to stop. So i decided that i would take the trip today.
Donner Lake is about 35 miles west of Reno, which I thought seriously about going to, but thought best to save that for a better time.
The lake is at 6800 foot elevation. The weather there was BEAUTIFUL, as you can tell. I just hung out by the lake and enjoyed the mountain air.
I really do love this are, only problem it is California.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Emigrant Lake for the reunion?
I'm going to suggest Emigrant Lake for the reunion. If you click on the title it'll take you to a link that tells more about it. I've taken my class to the waterslides there before, and we've always had a great time. I'm thinking of doing it again if I can put it together as an end of the year field trip. It's really close to Ashland and just before you get to the lake there's a KOA. Since it's a good halfway point for everyone it would entail equal amounts of travel for all that choose to come. BJ, it's only about 15 miles from the Rogue River campground but there's more to do that is closer. I'm thinking the first part of August???
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Click Here for Reunion Discussion
Friday, April 9, 2010
On the Road

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Family reunion
Are we planning a family reunion this year? We for one family needs to plan around family trips, kids vacations and Bianca's 21st BD.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Living as if they had only one day left
I just ran across an interesting article about what I queried everyone about. The article inspired me to add to my list. The last thing on my list now is 'Make another list.' It's interesting to read the comments at the end of the article. Click the title.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Broken Hearts
What Bon and Sandi were speaking of ("emotional intelligence" and "love held back") it reminded me of all the people I've read about, or known who have died of a broken hearts. Do you suppose there is a relationship to people getting sick from depression, anxiety, stress etc. What about these rich guys who end up in prison, then get sick. What was that Enron guys name? Then Madoff, he ended up in the hospital soon after his incarceration. Just recently, and elderly couple I know, died within two months of each other! Happens all the time. Do you know anyone like that? I think there's a lot to 'the joy of the Lord is our strength' kind of disposition. Think about it, how many people do you know who have died of broken hearts?
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