Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lisi, is that you ?

What a plesant surprise.
out of no where Lisi called me yesterday.
She sounded really good and seems to be doing well. Didnt get to talk to her much, but its nice to know she was thinking about me.
She is loving having her dog and Bonnie and Rick around to assist her. She is such a hoot.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Bit Stormy

We spent some time with Nathan and family at the coast this last weekend; about 3 days total. It was somewhat "wet", but ya know, I kinda like it that way; activities sometimes rob groups of together time. We had a lot of time just being with each other. A special bonus was having my mother in law there. She's 88 and we we're seeing that these opportunities will some day have an end. 
Not a very good photo, but all the girls got into the sewing mode.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Come Back Town USA

If you click the title you can read my response to Peter's question about what the climate is like here in Crescent City after the tsunami. This afternoon 200 people showed up to pick up debris from the beaches caused by the tsunami last week.

Vote for Crescent City! It needs your help to rebuild the harbor
You can vote 10 times each day at the same time. Crescent City is number 5 as of Saturday night.

Friday, March 18, 2011


It has been raining all day today. The forcast is rain for the next 11 days. This reminds me of Oregon or Crescent City rain. Dosnt' bother me one bit.
I talked to a gal at the Starbucks and she said her parents are getting snow in Placerville, and its sticking.
About this time last year was the last little spit of rain we got till October.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Damage to CC Harbor via the Medford Mail Tribune

Youtube has quite a few good videos that show the tsunami while it's happening. Search: Crescent City tsunami
Copy and paste the link below:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My svelte new body

Sandi and a friend of ours went together and bought a new treadmill. It has an incline adjustment, a calorie counter, a speed adjustment, very colorful lights, and basically a lot of things that are probably very important. When you turn the machine on it’s even more impressive. It even has a beer holder

I used it tonight for the first time. I put on my walking shorts (since I didn’t plan to run, otherwise I would have put on my running shorts) and went out to get fit. I looked at the machine and marveled at everything it could do. Since Sandi set it up in front of the TV in the little house (we had to take out the bed) there weren’t too many excuses left for not using it. It even has a jack where you can listen to music on an MP3 player or iPod.

I stared at it for about five minutes deciding what I wanted to do and closed my eyes imaging my toned body when I was done working out. I punched every button on the front and nothing worked. Just to be on the safe side I turned the TV off and on to no avail.

Finally, after about six minutes I had to go in the house and ask Sandi where the on switch was at. I turned it on for about 20 minutes. I figured that should be enough of a workout the first time out. I wouldn’t want to lose too much weight too quickly.

I have to say for the first time it was a very successful workout. I watched the video, worked up a sweat, my endorphins were elevated, and my heart rate was working at the performance level.

I think I’m going to like this workout thing.

A person doesn't want to rush into these things too quickly.

Tomorrow I may plug it in.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Love Rick, Bonnie, Marmalade, Wilson, Suzy Q and of course Jimmy and Triscuit

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lili and Lisi

Just wished to let all you brothers and sisters,........ Lisi and I have joined the University of Washington, Twin Registry, Harbrview Medical Center. Also we just did the DNA, with them. We will let you know when we hear from them. SO OUR DNA HAS BEEN DONE. I look forward to having ours done, that the family has had theirs, and compare the both.
Love to all

Thursday, March 3, 2011

About 10" Diamenter- Tailpipe from Ancient UFO?

Got any ideas what this is? Found it while hiking in the woods some years back.