Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Susan Davis

Chuck and I got togeter with Susan last night at Mitches place. For someone that just had a major surgery, she looks real good. I think the last time i saw her was in 92 ish.
She will be here for 2 months, so hopefully she will be able to spend some time with Chuck. she has a busy schedule on her hands, so we will see.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is LOVE anyway?

As an attempt to contribute to this blog- per Jim's hopes for the family's involvement. However, not wishing to overwhelm this blog by being too wordy. Here's a subject I think is relevant to everyone; You can click on the title to see these thoughts.


Have you ever thought about it? What is love? What actually happens when two sets of eyes meet and they 'fall in love'? Is there something physical, or is it something spiritual? What is the actual mechanism that triggers this feeling of 'being in love'?

If you watch much TV, you hear it all the time, “I just don't love him anymore”, or, "mom, I think I'm in love". When you hear something like that, shouldn't it provoke questions like, what has happened? What actually ceased or started, that was there or stopped in their relationship?

Love is often defined as an emotion, an action; a.......

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sorry I've not been as active.  I'm just popping on to say that I love you all, turned in the last of my work for Japanese Thought, got an 85% on my term paper (whoever wants to read it, email me and I'll send an attachment in my reply) and an A-  that the professor hadn't gotten a chance to post, but he sent me an email letting me know my grade.  So, 3/4 classes for the semester are done, and the 4th 1/2 way done, and a 4.0 average so far.

I'm bushed.  And I'm probably going to take my last English class next semester, just to get it out of the way...

Kids are doing well.  Athena had her open house last night.  I forgot to take the camera with me, so I didn't get a picture of her mission project, so I'll have to take a picture of it once it gets to come home again.  She worked really hard on building her model.

Merlin also decided that he wanted a "boy haircut."  So he has short hair nnow, which he likes.  I knew that waiting until he was ready for and wanted one, instead of fighting him, would pay off.

Good night family.  We love you.  Those that are not so healthy, I'm looking forward to you feeling better.  Those that are healthy, stay that way please.

Friday, March 26, 2010


was a busy day. we had our last PT visit today. now one of the challenges is to get Chuck to cooperate in continuing on with the things that she gave us.
after she left the VA nurse came and did an evaluation and checked out what i was doing. :)
one of the things that she asked chuck was "what is your goal?" he said to start driving again. She made the comment that that probably wasnt going to happen. then asked him his realistic goal. he really had no comment.
so the plans are that we will finally have a dietician come in and go over his diet and help to do meal planning.
they are also going to have a psychologist come in. she could see that there are some mental issues there. why ? who knows for sure. and how to treat them.
i did talk to her personally about some of the things that i have that concern me. she told me that what i was doing was the only way to handle things sometimes. i really dont want to be specific on the blogg. what she told me was a reiteration of the same things that Suzi told me also. Thanks Suzi.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

chucks eye app

we are trying to get his MRI to a earlier date. as per the eye Dr. his vision is 20/25 and he sees color very well.
so far this is what the Doc is saying. this refers to what is know as 3rd nerve palsy, he dosnt think that there is a tumor or damaged gland behind his eye. The damage may of been a result of his lack to maintain his BS and his mini strokes. I think that one led to the other. But thats just my thought.
here is some reading.


I enjoy this blog and would like it kept active. I do read it to keep up on family. I enjoy the pictures, I just have so little time and to tell you the truth, I am not sure what to say to family. We're like strangers at times. But I love you all and hope we decide to be more active on this family blog !

Who knows what this is?????

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Proton Description and Pictures

I've written a description of the proton treatment process and had the technicians take some pictures. Click on the title.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gonzo is walking......or dancing.

He starting walking since I've been down in Loma Linda. Randy and Claudia sent me a video and he looks really cute. Actually, now that I look at him he could be leading an orchestra.

eye dr

took chuck to the eye exam today. the nurse made the comment that she thinks that it looks like the issue with his eyes may be related to a thyroid issue. so they made 2 more appointments with some specialist. we see them on the 25th. in one eye he has 20/25 the other wasnt as good. but dont know what it was.

Big announcement

Follow the title link for details on an anthology for kids and by kids.  If you know any kids (or people that know kids) that would like to send submissions, please feel free to spread the word.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Summer is Coming!

This was last summer. The girls were running our .001 class rapids.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Do you mean this one?

Posted by Picasa


I need one of those signs that you saw in the bathroom ;)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BJ's in the Paper!

Left to Right

Front Row:
Explorers Todd Cain, Dylan Baldini, Kody Williams, and Zack Fernandez

Row Two:
Firefighter Ben Garcia (yay bro!), Assistant Chief Alan Bodiford, Firefighter Coleton Baldini, and Firefighter Paul Fernandez

Row Three:
Firefighter Ralph Dalessio, Firefighter Wes Brow (he got Firefighter of the Year for the Department), Captain Rick McGowan, and Captain Debbie Kleinhans

Row Four:
Firefighter Tim Ferguson, Firefighter Tim Dickinson, Firefighter Bruce Robison, and Chief Rick Dexter.

Monday, March 8, 2010

new friend

Sunday Glenda and i went to the Embarcadero. I dont ever remembering being there before. walking along jack made a new friend. You should of seen the look on the guys face when i asked him if i could take a picture with my jack-a-lope and his pet. It was the kind of reaction you would expect in San Francisco.
Anyway it was a good day and the air was fresh and fishy.

Sandi came down for the weekend!!!!

We had a great time. On Saturday we went to Palm Springs and saw where the tram operated, marveled at all wind turbines in the area, drove around town, visited an art festival, and almost viewed the longest playing movie in town 'The Sex Life of Dates.' A town near there is reputed to be the Date Capital of the California. I'm not a big date fan as they're too close to raisins, and I'm not a big raisin fan either.

Sunday we drove out to the desert to Joshua Tree National Park and I almost froze my tail off. It got down to 33* at the higher elevations. We had to turn around when we tried to go over there by way of Lake Arrowhead as there were chain restrictions in effect.
While at the park we saw a sign that said "Exhibit" but we drove past it as I thought it was too cold for any kind of exhibiting. Maybe if we come here later on I'll consider it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gonz March 6, Sat.

 It's been awhile since I've posted a picture of Gonz, but here's one that Randy and Claudia sent us today.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I thought of Illa when I saw this:

No, it's not a story on angels. It's a story on hyper-sensitivity to radio waves and such. Illa doesn't have it this bad, but apparently there are people out there who can't be around technology at all. One wonders about so many allergies; odd miladies like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue; a myriad of auto immune diseases, and on and on. I remember June Lange telling me that women had narrow hips because of all the hormones in beef cattle. I think about what she said every time I hear of someone with one of these odd ailments. Click on title above.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The nurse came in today and was very pleased with Chucks BS readings. And his Carb intake for meals. Infact she was so pleased that we have been maintaining the levels, that she told us that she saw no reason that she needed to come out anymore. The VA will be sending one of their own nurses out once a month.
We will still have the PT here 3xs a week for the next month. Yesterday she put Chuck thru a good work out. I had to go out of the room because it reminded me of the PT that i had to do for 6 weeks after my motorcycle accident. But he only gets about an hour compared to my 4+.
We went for a walk today around the block. Remember the first time it took 2 hours? Well this time it took about 45 minutes. He even walked a pretty good pace. Sometimes even without shuffling.

Monday, March 1, 2010

alls quiet...

around here. The PT came today and spent about an hour with Chuck. Looked over the house, as far as safety, and did some strength evaluations with Chuck. I would think that she did that to evaluate what kind of PT shes going to give him.
She will be here 3xs a week, for 4 weeks at this time. She told Chuck that she wanted to see him walk every day :) So that is good . for both of us.
At the end of the week we have a Dr. appointment with an Endocrinoligist. I guess they examine Glands that are responsible for the secretion of hormones into the blood stream, from what i see. But ill have to look for more info on it.
Anyway thats it for now.
Thanks for all your encouragement and support in this adventure.