Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is it an impression of a big foot or a print of Bigfoot?

Sandi, Calvin, and I went to a lake called Sanger Lake about 1-1/2 hours from here. Dick knows as he's been there. It was foggy and cold in town when we left, but it was nice and sunny about 20 miles east. It was really nice and warm there and I ended up getting an endorphin rush, maybe two. We took the kayaks up and the chainsaw. The lake was in his classic shape; beautiful and pristine. We had it to ourselves. There was snow along the sheltered side of the lake and that's where I found the print in the snow. I wanted to take a dip in the water so I cut a load of wood and worked up an honest sweat before getting in the water. Yes, it was a "10" day on on scale of 10.
P.S. Actually, I "found" the print after I took my shoe off and stuck my foot in the snow.


other said...

i was thinking that it looked like a baby big-foot.
ahhhhhh yes, sanger lake. looks like you had a great day for it. i hope Calvin was some good help for you.
Did you and Sandy make it up to Hooper Peak?

Anonymous said...

Definitely nicer than fog. Hey, does anyone have Bonnie and Rick's new address yet? Can you email it to me?
Thanks. Peter

Sandi Hooper said...


I don't have it, yet.

It was a good time. We are enjoying being tourists in this beautiful place.