Thursday, June 3, 2010

My baby sister is on the way!!

We all went to the hospital this afternoon about 2:00 and Mom was admitted into the hospital. Both of my grandmothers are there with my dad. My cousin, Alexander, is taking Uncle Andrew and Aunt Rachael to see my mom before her labor gets too crazy.Grandpa is here with me at the house and I'm going to be taking a nap soon. He'll probably just sit out there and watch TV. He may even do some of his work from school, but I doubt it. I'm expecting my sister, Gabriela, later this evening.


Dick said...

i will bet that your grandpa takes a nap with you. But maybe hes to excited about your new cousin. I know you will enjoy having a little sister to teach to dig worms for grandpa when he goes fishing.
im excited to see pictures of you and her together. i know that you will be a great brother and that she will be a great sister
GREAT uncle Dick

Bonnie said...

Hey!!! We are so happy for all of you. She is going to be her big brothers pride and joy. I can see him being very protective as they grow up together. Love to all