Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day- Only God can create a mother.

Certainly, most women can bear a child. Most women can face the duties of every day life. But in my mind, a ‘mother’ is something far more than a baby making machine, or a dutiful caretaker.

There are far too many women in the media these days that represent the female in a very limited light; who portray their role in life as everything revolving around sex and attract-iveness. Consequently young ladies have a difficult time discerning their future roles and identity. But the adult, godly women I know represent a far better character than most seen on the tube.

As a typical male, from puberty, I naturally appreciated the physical side of women; it is the first thing a young man appreciates. But there comes a time when women become more complicated than simply what they look like. As CS Lewis said, “I thank God, he didn’t give me the women of my adolescent dreams”. Lewis first married in his fifties, how sad an example he would be, if his mind was stunted so much, as to only see the physical as the true value of a women.

Likewise, as I have grown, I’ve gained a better perspective of my wife and how God has blessed me. She shares, with the women I admire, (and many reading this blog) qualities that almost astound me:

1. She makes things beautiful; whether cleaning, painting the house, decorating, landscaping. When she dressed the kids (now me) everything tends to be more beautiful after she has touched it. Good women are like this.
2. She is selfless; She always looks to the needs of others before herself. From the time we first met, she was my willing servant. Now don’t get distracted thinking about men’s laziness. Fact is, a good women is so giving, it makes it hard on us guys to develop into better servants ourselves! I am doing better in this regard, but I know I’ll never be as good as ‘a simply loving and faithful mother. Selflessness is natural to a mother who has found her God given identity, even in a very unbalanced world.
3. She is a peacemaker; not only does she like the physical things around her to be beautiful, she is sensitive to the atmosphere, the dispositions, the attitudes of all around her. For her it doesn’t matter if every physical thing is in order, if relationships are out of order.
4. She is a worker. Though my wife has a chronic illness, yet if it were all tallied up, her productivity far excels my own. Men have bursts of strength, we can pull, lift, grunt anything for short periods of time. But a mother has a marathoners endurance to get her objectives done. She may set aside one for awhile- perhaps to rest that muscle group; but her projects are always in ‘actual’ progress. Mine are like the proverbial project car, waiting for more money!
5. Mothers care little for material things. Yes, they like their hair done, a new outfit now and then, but this is only because they want to look good for their men. It’s part of the process of keeping all things beautiful. While men work for toys, to make their own life easy, the good wives and mother I’ve known, work for other’s comforts.

Many of you know, there are no longer kids in our house- but there is still a mother in the house. Being the average guy, I figure I’ll always need a mother around. Thankfully, for my sake, good women never loose the God given virtues of motherhood.


Jim said...

Karen is probably an angel sent down to Earth to rescue you. You're a lucky man, as I am.

Peter said...

Yep, I agree; we have a high ratio of wonderful mothers in the Rouzaud/Garcia/Hooper/etc clan. Just ask any of the kids and husbands.

Anonymous said...

Yep, sandi has done a great job with Jim. Karen has done a great job with peter. ;)

Peter, your right. There are alot of good mothers in the RGH etc. clan. Deep down I do love them all.
