Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

I would have posted a picture of the golf ball sized golf ball next to the oversize hail that we had, but a picture wouldn't do it justice. Just put it this way, Oh-Mah refused to go outside to investigate while it was happening. 


Dick said...

looks like your hunting adventure for the elusive perfect tree paid off. It looks bigger than the one you had last year.
As for Oh-mah, hes got more common sense than alot of humans.

Peter said...

That's wild. Did it do any damage?

Sandi Hooper said...

Dick the tree isn't as big as last year's, but it is very pretty and we love it. Thank you for all your help with getting the ornaments set up--it was a lot easier to put them on there. Jim rigged up a device to stand on the roof to place the highest ones! Clever boy, that one.

Dick said...

ahh, i dont remember what i did, but what ever it was, your welcome.
ya, Jim has his moments of absurd cleaverness. In some people its called madness. :)