Saturday, May 19, 2007

176 miles EV vrs. Ford PU

The first week of a number figure to compare.
In the last week I drove the ZAP Xebra PK 176 miles. If I had driven my PU that distance at 13 miles to the gallon I would have used 13.5 gallons of gas at a cost of $3.53 per gallon (in Crescent City).
Gas: $3.53 X 13.5 = $47.79 Electric cost: 176 (miles) X $.03 per mile = $5.28

Tesla, here I come.


Anonymous said...

so, at 30 mph you should be there in what life change? the snail? !!

other said...

Tesla, here I come. I'll soon be there before I leave! 40 mph. In my PU my time to get to work is 7:20. In the ZAP it's 7:36 with $42 per week in my pocket. Choices are a great thing.