Tuesday, May 8, 2007

you got to see these (click here)

For your serious considerations

the stubborn
|ˈstəbərn| adjective having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, esp. in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.


other said...

Don't worry, this can't be me. I tell Sandi, "I'm only opinionated when I'm right." I don't know why she call me stubborn.

other said...

Linux, now there's an opperating system!

I want you all to witness, I warned Glenda that she would have to take a moment to Post or I was going to post a photo of her after her workout- it aint pretty. Wellll, I guess it depends on the beholder. But I think she's gone too far in her new look. Peter Sr.

Anonymous said...

No one should buy a Mac!

The great thing about them is that they take up such a small share of the market that hackers haven't bothered to create viruses for them. If too many people start using them we will certainly have viruses to contend with. Noooooo!

-An Aware Apple-aholic