Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Family Tree Stuff

I'm not sure how far you can get, but if can add info, do it or let me know. Randy has been looking into this.


Peter said...

If Randy goes back far enough he'll find that he is decended from Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotten gin. Mom traced the family clear back to England. She also found one of the family, a black women, who fought along side her husband in the Civil War. I don't know how she was related, but I tell everyone I'm part black. I'm hoping somehoe I might sometime get the benefit of minority status.

other said...

Whatever it is, and wherever we came from we need to stick to the main branch and not get caught up in the leaves. Randy did the genographic sample and we ALL came from Africa. Garden of Eden / Africa? Hmmmm.......where is that King James Bible? Garden of Niger?

other said...

Since the Garden of Eden did not exist after the flood I think we all came from Turkey?