Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just want to say hi to everyone. Rick and I have been staying with Lisi and spending time with her and Lili and Jess. We will be staying with Grandma Aggie until she dies which I hope will not be for a long time. she is going down hill fast and they were going to be have to put in a rest home because my sister in law Maxine is not able to lift her by herself. We feel God placed us here at just the right time so we can both take care of her and she will be able to stay in her home until she dies which could be 2 weeks or 6 months. She loves Rick and I a lot and we love her so it is a wonderful opportunity for all. She loves The Lord with all her heart and is at peace about dying. It really awesome how God opens closes doors and opens others. We love ya all. Rick and Bonnie

Lili say's.......
Dear all, it's great to have family here visiting, and Lisi is having a ball with Bonnie and Rick, with her, she's having a great time, cooking and having a little wine and just hanging out. But, for me, they are having problems, have me sit for two seconds, laugh!!! Also you and all know, that with my big mouth, and seeing so little of each of you. I try to get in a little time, so my mouth runs, off and I cut you all off, visit more and problems gone.............

Lis and Bonnie are going to create a mouth zipper for me!!!!

Found a home for Missy


Anonymous said...

Bonnie and Rick, sounds like things didnt work out for you at Suzies. Sorry to hear that.
I was wondering how Aggie was doing. now i know. I think that its a miracle that she has been around this long. Last time i saw her was at moms 90th and she seemed to be doing pretty good then. Give her a hug for me and give Maxine my best.
One of these days you, Rick and I need to get together for coffee.

Peter said...

Dear RnB; Sounds like you are in the right place, in the right time. It's true that 'all things work together for the good'!

Karen and I are in Provo, Utah tonight. We're spending the night at a motel, on the way to see our kids in Colorado. Can't wait.

Jim said...

Rick and Bonnie,
Sounds like that you're where you need to be. Taking care of my mom the summer before she passed was the hardest thing I've ever done. Stay strong. What a great gift to give to someone you love.

It's nice you can all be together, even under such trying circumstances. It sounds like you should inbibe with a little of Lisi's wine so you can relax and enjoy the moment.

Remember, Limon, CO! Don't stay there, or even in the area. It's a bad, bad place where you can easily be attacked by fleas that are known to haunt motels. Hey, have you seen any flying craft looking things that have kids hanging out of them? Keep an eye out looking for them.


lueria said...

Hi aunt bonnie and uncle rick,

would love to see you both of you. I will come by next week. The kids go to their mom and I will have a little free time. Lets count on thursday If you can. hugs

I will call my mom and talk to her if your up for it. hugs

Anonymous said...

Jim, you know after doing a ground searh, they found him in the attic hiding in a cardboard box.

you know, it kind of makes me think about when i was that age. it seems like something that my oldest brother and uncle would try to talk me into doing. :)


Jim said...

Yes, I heard Dick, but there's always a younger brother out there waiting to upstage their older brother. You have to wonder how many copy-cats are out there now looking up flying craft plans on the internet.

Excuse me, but my in-box is filling up with requests for plans I have available for sale online.