Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow in Colorado

Colorado, and Karissa took this photo of their first snow while we were there. It's so dry and sunny, this was gone in two days. We left a couple days before it really started to dump. Now we're back home, missing our kids. PnK


Anonymous said...

That is a really beautiful picture.
Glad you made it home, and that Karen survived the trip. I hope you dont bring that stuff back home with you.
Oh, my big sister called me the other night. I gave her
a bad time. Shes doing ok. We are so much alike its almost pitiful. She said they had 9" of rain this last weekend and she loved it.

Anonymous said...

It is so great having Bonnie and Rick close, they spend the day with us on the week-end, one day, with us, I should say, and it's great getting to know her, as we did not have sister time growing up, though she was next door.

Jim said...

Nice picture, especially when I'm sitting in a nice warm room. It does make me want to go walk around in the snow though. Sounds like you and Karen left at just the right time.

lueria said...

love the pic. glad you both had a great time. hugs

Sandi Hooper said...

Pretty! Hope you get to go back and visit again soon.

ILLA said...

Beautiful. I miss the snow but I am glad to have good weather. I need it for a little longer. I am now down to shingling the roof over the front porch. I didn;t get enough shingles. I thought I had. I need 4 more bundles. I think. Hopefully I don't need more. I will get most of it done tomorrow and then run out. Will have to put tarp over it this weekend as rain is expected. I would like to take a day off work to get the rest but as it is supposed to rain when I go back it is a moot point.

Hope everyone had a good Halloween with new experiences for the little ones. Mine was not bad. I had fun at work. A lot of kids as well as some grown ups dressed up. Only 3 or us at work dressed up. i got pics so will have to post them.

hope everyone has a good weekend. Glad that Peter and Karen made it back safe and glad that you had a great visit.

Love to all. Illa