Saturday, August 28, 2010

kind of funny, but not

I think i might of mentioned this before, but when ever Chuck and I go someplace where we have interaction with people, inevitably some one will say "take care of your dad".
On the other hand, maybe they are complementing me on how young I look.



Peter said...

Ben once told me I should use some Grecian formula. I don't know if he was kidding or not, I don't think so. Chuck might try it. A little Grecian Formula, a little 'man tan', a shave and a new shirt, might make him feel like a new man.

Dick said...

Jim took him and got him a buzz cut when he was here,
amongst some other things.
I have to tell you, when i shave him, I think that is the time when my emotions really get the best of me. dont know why.

Lili said...

Know what you mean, when I am out with Lisi, they take her for my mom and also when I was with Chuck it was the same.

So, great knowing he is in such good hands, and it's so wonderful seeing, Suzy, Jim, Chuck....... a team, the younger brother and sister seeing to Chuck, and the love we all share towards him.

I am so happy with my family brothers and sisters, seeing to each other, in time of needs. We are all healthier for it, as I know what it's like working within, the places that others are placed by family. It's not healthy, and after dealing with the places, even the good places, calls to ask don't work.

Hands on are so needed, to make sure the needs are meet. One does so much better at home, as we, are family, use the teachings of those that raised us, so much more healthier......

Love ya all, and a big hug to all those helping those in need, within our group.

Going back into doing my counciling work.... and going for more educational needs, in the new work I will be doing, never stop learning, laugh!!!!!

Peter said...

Jim- good thing Chuck has a well shaped head, or you'd be in trouble!

Jim said...

Peter, I know what Grecian formula is, but I don't know what 'man tan' is. Am I not old enough to understand that yet, or is it some kind of 'Coming of Age" experience?

When I took Chuck in to get a haircut I just told the lady to "Give him a haircut kinda like mine." I thought it would be a good length for him. He had other ideas. "I want a number 2." At that point I wasn't sure if Chuck knew which end she would be working on, but it all came out right in the end. It was short just like he wanted it. I can see his point. It really cuts down on the comb and shampoo bill.

It takes a special person to do home care, and it's good to see there are so many in our family that do it and do it well.

Dick said...

i, for one, have been called alot of things before. but, the term special was used in a different context.

Ya, Chuck likes the #2. he has that one pretty down pat. At the rate that hes going I think he will be going bald in the next year anyway, and that is because of the meds. I already notice how much hair he has lost in the last 6 months.
When ever i go to get my hair cut, I try to talk them into cutting the gray out. no luck yet.

Peter said...

For those who are wondering, "man tan" has become a generic term (for those in the know) for tanning cream; actually a dye. Those of us who are too much Gringo used to put it on after a dreary and foggy winter. That way we looked right for the beach. Problem was, it also turned the palms of your hands kind of a orange brown, so everyone knew you actually were wearing 'man tan'. As far as I know, unlike tanning booths, man tan didn't cause skin cancer!