Friday, August 27, 2010

So, family, what's the news?

Certainly you have something more exciting than going to a workshop to learn the new and improved way of teaching Language Arts to 5th grade students don't you? Tell me how much your garden has grown, or maybe tell me of how hot it's been in your local area. Come now, at least share the new beer that you've discovered. How about that piece of trivia that you're sharing with a coffee buddy.
Can you tell I don't want school to start yet?
P.S. Read any good books lately?


Dick said...

Got Chuck to agree to a garage sale next week.
He hasnt had a accident for all week.
Got a new leak under the Bronco.
Found a bunch of old letters from Helen to Chuck.
Found a picture of Chuck and Glenda. taken by mom in 1956.
Found a picture of Ben, taken just before he got out of the service.

Peter said...

Hey Dick, do you have a scanner there? If so, can you scan at 300dpi and email them?

On our side. The 27th (Friday)was Karen's and my 41st anniversary. I had to work so we're celebrating today (Saturday). She hasn't been feeling very good for a couple weeks so we're staying pretty close to home. Regardless, we are very thankful for what God has given us.

We've had a couple nibbles on our house, but as things in the banking world are we don't expect it to sell for a long time.

I'm just read an article on how native language can effect thought processes. Let's see, what else is new.......Can't think of any more. Love to all. PnK

Dick said...

No. i was actually thinking i might send them to you and have you scan them. i ran across some other pics i might send to you too.
If your ok with that.

Peter said...

Send em on. I'll send them back after scanning.