Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm going to be applying for a new job.

Here are the basic requirements.

Wanted: Patient person. Physically fit, with basic knowledge of biology. Able to take pictures.
Job: Find Bigfoot.

Come now, doesn't that sound like it has my name written all over it? As an additional benefit it promises a bit of international travel to a country that I've always wanted to visit. Admittedly, I am a bit over the preferred age of 25-40. Okay, I'm not patient at times. Yes, I'm kind of sort of physically fit. Biology? Hmmmm...I do teach 5th grade science!  Does that count? Take pictures? I can pressure the shutter button of a camera. Yes, I guess I'm 100% qualified for the job.
Click the title.


Anonymous said...

Jim, this is a great job! Just right for you. But since there's a lot of down time, maybe you could also contract out to document Elvis sightings.

Hey, thanks for being such a good sport. Peter

Bonnie said...

That is very appropriate for someone that likes to take pictures of his feet to get a job looking for Big Foot, then you can compare whose feet are biggest and the most hairy.

Jim said...

Peter, thanks for the advice, but I'm not a big Elvis fan. I was thinking of asking for vacation time in Antarctica to look for any woolly beasts there. It may be a good thing to put on my resume though. Bonnie, great idea, I think that I will include pictures of my feet on my resume. How could they ever refuse someone with those kinds of credentials? You're right, they'd be foolish!

Dick said...

i think you will need an assistant. Ill send you my resume'.