Friday, March 9, 2007

Garcia / Rouzaud Family Blog

Ok, I'm doing this a little different. Jim reminded me of something I forgot. Since I had to change things I lost some comments. BUT, now YOU can post! Hurrah.

Anyway, share this with everyone. I'll email the username / password to you -if I have your email address. If you don't get it, call Jim, me or someone will have it.

1 comment:

other said...

This blog is a great idea. I'm glad you guys have put in the time to think and act!! I forgot completely about the boys names. Ben was also Benji. I think I'm finally at the point that I want to read the family letters that Peter worked so hard to copy for us. Hey, for you MAC enthusiasts, I just bought Lydia a MAC...just hope she can get her wireless server to recognize it. Going to a Christian concert tonight...hope you are all loving life. Peter, glad to hear that Gracie came out well in the surgery. I will be very anxious to hear what they say when they are done with the test. Love, Gi

March 9, 2007 6:02 PM
Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the family is starting to wise up in their technological choices. And going for Quality and reliability.
Glenda, Lydia shouldnt have any problem with the airport reconizing her wireless. I havnt had any problems yet and i stay at alot of differant motels. She should be able to just click on the the modem name and it should connect right up.
Which MAC did you get?
On another note, that Jim hes s-m-a-r-t.

March 9, 2007 8:02 PM
Peter Sr. said...

Good news about Gracy: Her test came back and she is fine! The kids wish they didn't have to go through all that anxiety (and expense)but the doc said if it were her child she would have done the same thing. Gracy has swollen lymph nodes all over her body, and one hard one on her neck the doc was especially concerned with that one. Besides this she was tested for a rare auto-immune disease and it came up positive. Fortunately it turned out it was a 'false positive'. The mysterious part of this is she fit many of the symptoms. Her lymph nodes have been swollen for months and have just gotten worse. But we praise God for the outcome. PnK

March 9, 2007 8:22 PM
jim said...

Really, it's not about any one of us, but all of us. All of Glenna's children and grandchildren and significant others (isn't that the proper politically correct term to use when one isn't sure of their relationship? (Come on help me out).
A central cyberspace place to post that which interests us or that which others may find interesting informative or maybe even downright annoying. Basically a place to share, vent, and converse.
What say thee? Let's try to get to know each other without actually being physically in the same room. Yes, we're living in the future.

March 9, 2007 9:16 PM