Thursday, September 23, 2010

I invite you to understand why I am willing to hunt and fish.

I have written in my first blog about my why I am willing to hunt. I too must ask myself why I feel compelled to hunt and fish. For me this is an evolving question. I love the out-of-doors and find that being there re-energizes me. I read my past perspectives to see if who I am reading about is still really who I am and so far it is.
I invite you to read it too by copying and pasting the link below. I have an idea that I will be inspired again in this season of preparation, the fall season.

P.S. Yes, I went fishing this evening in hopes of catching an early salmon, sans other fishermen.



Peter said...
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Peter said...

Jim; you did a good job of explaining yourself. Your musings show that you are not an ape behaving instinctively-without remorse or respect. Sentimentalists don't like the idea of a Dolphin 'murdering' juveniles to eliminate future competition. Or troops of Chimpanzees hunting other primates for dinner. But these are the ways of animals. But as I implied in my other comment, and as you had said in your post about the sanctity of life, I think we need to be respectful of life. Aborigines from many cultures see this.

You should know, I don't expect others to have my conscience. I wish I liked to hunt, I even wish I liked football. As I see it, I don't think there is anything 'wrong' with hunting. There is nothing moral about it either. It just is. It is an amoral activity; I think the values of it are the memories; the bonding; the appreciation of what God has given us; and the growth that comes from participating in an activity that provokes that part of us that needs stimulating.

For me, if I tried to hunt, or if I tried to like football, I'd be like a guy wearing an ascot to a party and trying to be cool. It just ain't there. I grow in other ways, but I don't think they are better.

Bonnie said...

I only shoot hunters with my finger, but it is a deadly finger. And yes I do eat an occational steak and love it.

Off to the beach for the weekend with Lisi.

Illa said...

I can't sign into the Blog anymore. Has anything changed?????

Anonymous said...

Hi our dear Illa- no nothing changed, I'll sent the password and login.

Peter said...

Odd that you can't see images. I wonder if something is going on with your computer. Have you checked your internet settings? Don't know about Apple, but in Windows you can do a setting where images are stopped. Maybe someone else has an idea. Peter