Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lueria Son (Max)

Hello everyone in my wonder family(:

This is Max Miller, Lueria's middle son, hope eveything is going well for everyone lately. And I just wanted to take this momant and speek to everyone about just our life in the family home. I'm sorry I havn't spoke or seen anyone lately, and I deeply miss you all, it's been to long.


So to start off our family has my sister back McKenzie, we've all have missed her, and thank you for all of the prayers. And now she has been doing great, she has reattached to our family and is doing wonderful(: As of 9/1/2010 (September 1st, 2010) she got her driving permit, she sadly failed her first try, but she tried again. And now Kenzie is going into the 10th Grade at Gresham High School.


Christian is doing really well he is Tae-Kwon-Doe and he is going Blue belt, he is now 6 away from black belt(: I'm really proud of him just like the rest of the family, and once and awhile Uncle Jesse and Aunt Alicia pops in and takes Christian out to Tae-Kwon-Doe and sometimes a lil' treat(: In the summer of 10' me and Christian went to a hunting camp to get our hunting license, We passed with a 90% and now we are legal hunters in the state of Oregon. Christian is going into the 5th grade.

Me (Max)

I've have been realgood lately(: Just today mom (Lueria), FYI whenever I say mom I mean my wonderful mom Lueria(: So continuing, mom today just took me to Niketown OMG I loved it there. I got a new pair Jordans, and a new coat(: I love it! But we were shocked to see a total of like $300! Haha.. But lately I've been getting ready for my new High School: CHS (Clackamas High School). I've been Jailbreaking iPods, iPhones, and iPads then after I just get on my Xbox and play the night away. This year I've had the chance to get my some licenses of my own(: I am now, in the state of Oregon, a legal: Hunter, and Boater(: I can opperate aquatic vessels now(: Pretty happy about that. I'm going into the 9th Grade.


Dad has been very well lately. He has been workin some swing shift it sucks, I miss him but what can he do. He has to provide for the family, and we all understand that, it's just hard sometimes. And Daddy got a new toy, can you say 97' CORVETTE(: This Dino graduated in 88'?


MOMMMY! She really wonderful yall. Like belive it, she helps me through the hard times, cooks for me, treats my father well(: I wish I could show her the same unlimited love she gives me, I'm really short wit her and I sometimes fell bad bout' it. I love her a lot(: I'm happy you came in my life mom(: This young Dino graduated in 90'(:

Well thats it keep you all posted erry 2 weeks, love you all. Keep safe.

Maxwell Mathias Miller




Dick said...

WOW!!!! What a great post Max. I am really impressed at you grammatical and punctuation skills.
It is always great to hear from the really younger generation on the family blog.
It sounds like you have a really good grip on what is important in your life. FAMILY
I think its really cool that your mom and dad let you and Christian go to hunting school and learn how to use a rifle properly. Just remember what end is the dangerous end ;) you are learning a skill that is and will be very useful as you continue to your journey to manhood and further.
Your mom and dad have doing a very good job in raising you kids, and remember they are still learning as they face different issues everyday. It is a continuing education for them too. So be Patient with them.
I will be excited to hear whats new the next time you post. Keep it up.

Alilia said...

So, great to hear you on the blog., and yes you all are so much loved by Uncle Jess and Aunty Lili, we love doing stuff for you and helping your mom out. We love her so, and we are so glad to have your dad, and you boy's in the family group.

Max, just so you know, all you need, to do is ask, if you need help and wish to do something, I know how busy your mom, Lueria can be, and also know how much she loves you.....

I am proud of each of you, and be aware your mom, loves you, and wishes you all to grow up as wonderful young men and lady...

Love Aunty Alilia and Uncle Jess

Sandi Hooper said...

Hey Max,

Loved your new photo on FB. You have a great year, ok? And thanks for the update.

Peter said...

Thanks for the news Max; we often wonder what all you guys are up to. With all the turmoil in the world it sure is nice to hear such good news, and declarations of affection for your parents and siblings. Tell Mac not to feel bad, I didn't pass my first Drivers test either. Hi to all. PnK

lueria said...

lol< this was too funny. Ok, well max does not shop much, but when he does. yikes. I could have died. and x box is from his other mom. I don't buy that stuff. lol. We are doing good. and I love his writing too. Better then mine. His heart is so sweet. Im glad I'm the glue in my family. hugs to everyone. He is sweet how he wanted to say hi to everyone.

Peter said...

Oh, and Mac should know, I think our youngest sibling has the family record, didn't you pass it on your 13th try Dick?

Dick said...

It was my 14th.
Actually i took drivers ed. so i got it on my first. my license on the 2nd. My CDL on my first, just by a hair.

Bonnie said...

What Hair Dick???

Max, This was so great to hear from you. You are an amazing young man. If there were more young men in this world like you, the future may not look so bleak. You have an amazing personality and Uncle Rick and I love you very much.

Jim said...

Thanks for all of the interesting family news. This was the reason that this blog was initially set up.

It's good to hear of all the extra curricular actives you, McKenzie, and Christian are involved in. You guys are doing what I tell my 5th grade students to do, be involved with things outside of school too.

Keep us posted about all family. Pssssttt....your parents are VERY proud of all of kids.


Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for tall the posts(:

Means a lot to know that I'm apart of a family that really accepts me and my brother and dad(: I love you all. And thank you for all the positive feed back, I'll be posting a update later this week. Any ideas? I was thinking the first week of school.

- Max Miller

Illa said...

How is school?? My grandkids went back starting Aug. 23rd. Usual troubles. I miss you guys. It was great to see you. Wish we could have had a reunion. Lordy I will be glad when things are finally settled and have some funds to visit. Almost 2 years and some things are still up in the air. Take care guys and talk to you later. Love you.