Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My first car

Mom gave me this car when I turned 16. NOT the smartest thing to do; I was about as mature as the blond kid in the front. Oh, it was a 57 Metropolitan. The blond kid, he was just some street urchin that hung around a lot. We'd throw rocks at him, but he just kept coming back.


Jim said...

Yeh, but looks at the 'guns' on that kid! You should have kept him around to fend off all the chicks that were after you when you had those fancy wheels.

Dick said...

Now that is a manly, man. I bet he did keep peter safe from all the girls. Why have burger when theres steak sitting in front of you.
I wonder how many times i puked in that car coming back from the beach.

lueria said...

fun, love seeing pics.

Sandi Hooper said...

Hello Peter, I was loving the image of you running around in this car until your little brother had to divulge his rampant ralphing in the back seat. Now I am just grateful that it was a convertible! I have to confess though, I imagine you wearing your ascot as you drove around! =)

Peter said...

Now that I think of it, 'where IS that ascot? I'm thinking Karen didn't think it was cool and threw it out! Last time I remember wearing it is when Karen and I went to hear Aretha at a dance nightclub. Man I was cool.

As for Dick, when he wasn't heaving, he was quite the chick magnet. Kind of like a little puppy, the girls loved him. I think that's where the term 'petting' came from. They couldn't keep their hands off that blond fuzzy head. Actually, by the time I was old enough to drive the car Dick was in Oregon.