Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Christmas Tree

Sandi had another good idea. Since Gonz would be coming to visit us over Christmas, she decided she wanted to put the tree outside this year. So, last weekend we all went up into the hills and found (not that they were ever lost) three nice trees. The 'girls' packed a really nice lunch and even though we didn't run into any snow we had a great time. On Sunday, Sandi and Dick decorated the tree while I untangled strings of lights. Anyway, they did a really nice job and I can bet that we have the only 12' cedar tree in the neighborhood with pine cones on it as decorations. We even have a pickle hidden in it somewhere (Yes, I found it). I'm glad that we did this last week because I'm exhausted this week. I pretty much did the 'slug thing' yesterday and laid around. So far, today is looking like a repeat of yesterday. What generally happens with me is, I don't get sick during the school year and then when there's some kind of a break, I get sick. I think I'll just be proactive and be lazy and not get sick. Isn't that some kind of an oxymoron?

I think it's the nicest tree we've ever had. It's a good idea.

I'm really glad that Dick can be there for Chuck. Thanks, Dick. You're doing a good thing.


Dick said...

looks like i left just in time. you forgot about the part of you pruning the flowering cherry. :)
hope you get to feeling better. and dont pass it on to he gonz.
no problem jim, its going better than i imagined.
Chuck says to me this morning while we were shaving"you ought to get into this homecare thing"

Lili said...
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Anonymous said...

OK - so you found a pickle in your tree. I'm thinking you just stole BigFoot's refrigerator. He is going to be mad, but I have to admit it looks great right where it is. Merry Christmas and love to all of you. Thank you for your Christmas card and letter. It is so fun to catch up on the year's news.

Glenda said...

Oooops! Sorry that last comment was from Glenda

Anonymous said...

Thats my Big sister for ya.

