Friday, March 12, 2010

Do you mean this one?

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Anonymous said...


Peter said...

On your blog you were wondering (if I read it right) why the need for this sign? As a landlord where there are a lot of guys using the restroom, and a father who has raised two boys, I've discovered that 'boys never grow up', they're just better trained when older. Thanks for the image, I'm going to make one of these.

BTW, really a fun video of Gonzo walking.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same about the video. that was just the best.
tell R&C "NOW the fun begins"

Claudia said...

Sure, 'Fun'.Is that what you call it? But really, it IS cute to see him walking all over the house even though we're right behind him making sure he stays away from all those enticing cords.

Keep up with the good work Dick!

Peter- funny thing, we took care of my newly potty trained nephew and both had to experience the "fire hose" reflex. LOL! Just what we wanted to look forward to.