Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is LOVE anyway?

As an attempt to contribute to this blog- per Jim's hopes for the family's involvement. However, not wishing to overwhelm this blog by being too wordy. Here's a subject I think is relevant to everyone; You can click on the title to see these thoughts.


Have you ever thought about it? What is love? What actually happens when two sets of eyes meet and they 'fall in love'? Is there something physical, or is it something spiritual? What is the actual mechanism that triggers this feeling of 'being in love'?

If you watch much TV, you hear it all the time, “I just don't love him anymore”, or, "mom, I think I'm in love". When you hear something like that, shouldn't it provoke questions like, what has happened? What actually ceased or started, that was there or stopped in their relationship?

Love is often defined as an emotion, an action; a.......


Anonymous said...

I don't know that anyone can describle what love is. I just know when it is held back it hurts my heart and when you can't express love a little of me dies inside. When I hurt someone I love, the world seems off kilter. But then God steps in and makes things happen and one day that person is standing in front of you and the pain in your heart is instantly gone and filled with healing and joy beyond words. There is peace and happiness and you see the beauty in Gods love for all of us. That is a love that is so spiritual and full that it remeinds you that God never forsakes us. As long as He lives in our heart and soul all things are possible because He is in control and His love never changes.
I love you all, Bonnie

Peter said...

Thank you Bon; I think every one of us understands, either intuitively, or by experience what you are saying. As everyone can see, my definitions of love are more dry than Bon's. Hers is a description of the heart. But there is a place for both. Someone said, 'when you fall in/out of love, your brain ceases to function'. Understanding of the process, and understanding human nature, really helps our ability to forgive and reconcile, and not have the past cripple us. When a mother hears her twelve year child tell her, 'I hate you'. She may be a bit hurt, but she is not crippled because she understands. This allows for a quick healing.

Sandi Hooper said...

You're right, Peter, there is room for a lot of interpretation here. Some feel that responding to life with emotion is somehow lesser intelligence, but that isn't so. There is more than one type of intelligence. The intellect is only one and in many ways not as true in its resonance as the intelligence of emotion. You're right Bonnie, we say that the "heart" hurts, and there is now medical evidence to support that our hearts actually do suffer when we are emotionally wounded.

Words of wisdom you guys. Thanks for the reminders.