Friday, April 2, 2010

Broken Hearts

What Bon and Sandi were speaking of ("emotional intelligence" and "love held back") it reminded me of all the people I've read about, or known who have died of a broken hearts. Do you suppose there is a relationship to people getting sick from depression, anxiety, stress etc. What about these rich guys who end up in prison, then get sick. What was that Enron guys name? Then Madoff, he ended up in the hospital soon after his incarceration. Just recently, and elderly couple I know, died within two months of each other! Happens all the time. Do you know anyone like that? I think there's a lot to 'the joy of the Lord is our strength' kind of disposition. Think about it, how many people do you know who have died of broken hearts?


Sandi Hooper said...

Yes, I think it's possible. But I've spent a lot of time watching this pair of ducks down at the pool all week, so I may be in a mood... =) This mallard pair of ducks spend all day together, just the two of them, swimming serenely around the pool, taking naps, going over to the garden for a quick snack, preening, back to the pool. I ask myself as I watch them, "I wonder how long this has been going on?"
How were they so sure they were "right" for each other, and what happens when one violates the other's rights? I have yet to see a skirmish, but of course, they aren't redecorating the pool together, they are only swimming there.
They fly away every once in awhile and I wonder how they knew to go and where they go and why. Then they come back and land on the water again.
Now, I know that this isn't "love" like a human is capable of experiencing, but...
Makes me think.

Bonnie said...
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Anonymous said...

Forgot to tell you Suzi and I are planning a special bday for Lili and Lisi, May 25, next year even better. Next year on MAY 25 I WILL SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH LILI, LISI FOR 2 MONTHS. THEN I TUNN 60 AND THEY ARE STILL 59

Peter said...

Ah, to be just 60 again.....just kidding, feels about the same to me. Keep us posted.