Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Emigrant Lake for the reunion?

I'm going to suggest Emigrant Lake for the reunion. If you click on the title it'll take you to a link that tells more about it. I've taken my class to the waterslides there before, and we've always had a great time. I'm thinking of doing it again if I can put it together as an end of the year field trip. It's really close to Ashland and just before you get to the lake there's a KOA. Since it's a good halfway point for everyone it would entail equal amounts of travel for all that choose to come. BJ, it's only about 15 miles from the Rogue River campground but there's more to do that is closer. I'm thinking the first part of August???


lueria said...

cool, and the dates?

Dick said...

I have driven past there many many times. it really is a nice area. it will be warm for Sandi ;)
Not sure of "our schedule yet" just have to wait and see,

Peter said...

Sounds good.

Ben Garcia said...

i like it!! totally sounds great 2 me, now just gota figure on some times thoguh so hopfully we might have nuff time 2 git off of work an all

Sandi Hooper said...

Good plan, how about the first weekend of August? Oh, and there are many motels and hotels very close too. Good picnic areas and tons of stuff for the kids to do. It's a lot further that 15 miles from Rogue River though. Do a google map search. It's an easy drive though.

Dick said...

Sandi, you know your husband is chronologicaly and distantia challenged, so give him a break. But we still love him any way, ;)

Dick said...

oh and another thing, remember there is the festivals that go on all summer. if you do plan on making that the location, better jump on making reservations.
just a thought.

Dick said...

heres the link

Dick said...

can you tell i nothing else to do.

Randy Hooper said...

Sounds good. We need to know a "for-sure" date because we are hoping to baptize the kids that month too and need to plan that ahead as well.

I read first weekend in August and looking at the calendar that would be either:

1) July 30-August 1; or
2) August 6-8

What's the word?

Sandi Hooper said...

I'm thinking the July 30-Aug 1 date. What sez the group???

Jim said...

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.....wait a minute, let me check my calendar. Yaaaaa...it' open

Bonnie said...

You guys go ahead and plan when is best for you. As with Dick and Chuck, we will have to wait till that time comes to see how Lisi is doing.

Peter said...

Sounds good!

Teresa Garcia said...

Alright, either weekend will work, though I found out I have school that month after all... It was either do that (rats) or lose my funding... so I'll try to get my work in early.

If I don't succeed in getting my end of class paper for Chinese Thought, and then whatever I have due that week for the midterm of American Indian History classwork in early... I'll be seen toting books and probably be having the laptop on doing homework at least part of the time. What's the internet situation at that location?

Think I'd better take the Ubuntu laptop too so the kids don't fight me...

Teresa Garcia said...

Actually... maybe the second weekend would be the better choice, at least for me. Then I'll only have one ongoing class and the final paper for Chinese Thought will be done and over with. I've got the same instructor that broke my brain in Japanese Thought (somehow, I think he's the only instructor in the sub-department a lot of my classes will be in).

lueria said...
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lueria said...

either works for me:). I will give head count when its closer with or with out kids.

Randy Hooper said...

Claudia and I prefer the weekend of Jul 30-Aug 1.

Peter said...

It appears that for most of us it doesn't matter on either of the dates suggested. I suggest for those where it does matter, work it out between yourselves and let the rest of us know what you come up with. If you need help figuring how to do this, let me know, I've got a good way of getting resolution. AND, if that doesn't work, there's always, 'paper, rock, scissors'!

Sandi Hooper said...

That's a good idea Peter, and I have an idea I hope everyone likes too. I'd like to get t-shirts made for all the kids. I think it would be so cute if we could get a family photo made with all the kids wearing the shirts. What do you think? If you like it, get me the sizes of what your kids will be in August. Let me know by the end of May so I can get the shirts made.

This may be a bad idea...I just scrolled down to enter the verification code to post this and my secret word is "dingaling"!!! LOL

Sandi Hooper said...

Teresa we'll be really close to OSU where you can work in the library there if you've got papers to write. I sure can empathize I missed a lot of family functions those years I was in school and had little kids! Hang in there super MOM!

As for baptizing babies...I know that they come up with a pretty rigid no changes schedule early on, so keep up posted.

I agree that we need to book the campsites there as early as we can. I'll try to get some contact numbers lined up soon!

Sandi Hooper said...

Here's a link to the website, with campground info...


Sorry I don't know how to do the hyperlink thingy in this comment box, but you can cut and paste.

There are also a lot of motels near there in Ashland...

Sandi Hooper said...

If you guys who have date issues could contact each other and get that nailed down that would be really helpful to us getting camping space &/or motel accommodations nailed down.

Also, please don't phone us and let us (or any individual) know your plans. Post your plans on here so that the whole group is on the same page. Let's not play, "he said/they said" this year. Let's get as many families lined up as we can, and then if you're not sure, just say that repeatedly until you know for sure. This keeps the "drama" to a minimum and keeps everyone informed.

Again, email me with your children's t-shirt size by the end of May if you'd like to get a reunion souvenir t-shirt!


Jess and Lili said...

Lisi said she is planning to attend, we will reserve a place for her, also hotal spot, ... Jess and Lili.

She has missed the last two and does not wish to miss this one.

Ben Garcia said...

either or i think will work fer us, just gota nail it down to we can work round it :)

Unknown said...

Hi Everyone! I miss you all! I just wanted to let you know the Schells already have made plans few months ago to go to a beach house (already paid for) at the Coast for Biancas 21st Birthday. So if the reunion is July 30th August 1st we will not be able to make it. I hope all is well with everyone :-)

Thank you Rajnita ***Suzannes Daughter in law***

Teresa Garcia said...

July 30th August first works then if I've got access to net, so then that's my final vote.

Also, my kids are both wearing size 8 shirts, aka "adult small to medium." Meaning they easily can steal my shirts if I don't watch them on laundry day... lol

Peter said...

OK, it looks like we hit a major snafu. Let's try this again. As I see it, neither of these dates work. If we choose either date, we'll be missing a very large block of the family either way. Let's try anther weekend. Let's try to chime in early on a suggested weekend. WE CAN DO THIS, KEEP TRYING!

Suzanne said...

Well if time is a problem .. maybe we could do it in Florence oregon on that weekend. It's a great little town. A little farther .. for some .. but easier for Lili, lisi , leuria & family, bonnie, jess, rick, peter, karen, me and all mine ( 12 ) maybe even Peter's son and family ..
... which I think is the majority.

I will help get family here if it is financial. At least think about it. If distance is an issue, but the time is good .. weekend of July 30th.

Illa said...

I still vote for Aug. 6-8. Just so that Teresa doesn't have to work too hard. It also gives her more time to heal up and me time to get some money together to go as I will have to take several weeks off to help her with the kids.