Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Future plans

An article on CNN caught my eye a month ago, and I mentioned it on the blog. Thanks to everyone that e-mailed me privately about their future hopes, objectives, and desires. I feel that goals, plans, and aspirations can include many things. They can be large or small, long-term or short-term. They can be kind gestures, long-term goals, personal achievements and travel destinations. It made me think about the future but more importantly to focus on enjoying the present.

Like I said, I would post mine later. I have two lists, one for specific goals to be accomplished during 2010 and one for long-term goals. For me, I find that if I don’t have goals written down they are not likely to happen and life leads me rather than me leading life. This will  be an evolving list, but it's a list.

Camp / fish on lake in Alaska with HB   
Hike the Chilkoot Trail again this time w/ HB   
*Many many road trips with HB
Many many road trips with HB 
 *Share as much time as possible with kids, girls,  and grandkids
*Get to understand biological family better
See Death Valley with HB    
*Hike portion of PCT (Seiad to Mt. Ashland) 
*Put a geocache on Hooper Peak 
Take grandkids on trips with HB  (road, kayaking, fishing) 
Go on motorcycle trip with HB  
See the Great Wall of China with HB  
Search out unique geological experiences with HB
Find a volunteer program to support with my time  
Write a book 
Make another list.

* means the summer of 2010
HB means Honey Bunny (Sandi)



Peter said...

I gotta tell you Jim, this is a great list. Actually, as we spoke before, I don't much care for bucket lists. Simple reason being that 'experiences' have little value unless they make you better for relationships. But your lists are already full of relationships. Aint it great!

Illa said...

so cool. hope you get them done. after all time is really short no matter how you look at it. And like the song says, "Live like your dying." There is no time for regrets. Tho it does get you down. Hope all is well and things are taken care of. Love you guys.

Sandi Hooper said...

We love you too, Illa. You know that other song, "love the one you're with"? Bun, I accept your challenge, and I'll do ya one better if we ever slow down enough to talk to each other.... kiss