Thursday, November 19, 2009

Boy am I pooped!!

I just got back about an hour ago from a house fire. The first full fledged one since our house. Was paged out 8 am and got released at 4:42 pm. What a mess. Was fully involved by the time I got there which was 5 min. after the page. Every fire department around responded again except CDF as they were closed for the winter again. They rotate staffing between here and Alturas and they were there today. I was supposed to go to work today and called in and they got it covered for me. Fell down once and had to be helped up. Hurt my left hip, will really feel it tomorrow. Had a low blood sugar episode. Teresa, Mt. Dew really works for that. We didn't have orange juice or candy but there was one of those in a cooler outside so I drank it. You sip it slowly!! The people got out but not the pets. They all perished. The Inmate crew came to help mop up and they found them. The fire started from a propane heater. It was Watkins old house across from the Catholic Church.

Anyway, I am now clean and have to dry the turnouts. I can still smell wet ashes. Bad thing is I didn't get to take my meds before leaving so it is going to take a while for them to go to work. So I am just going to sit here and rest.

You all have a good day and button down the hatches as it should be hitting the Northwest area today or tonight, here by tomorrow night. 2-8 inches of snow in the mountains.

love to all, Illa


Dick said...

WOW!! im glad that the humans were fine, to bad about the critters. to bad people dont pay attention to the warning about using gass heaters. i know when thats all you got, you got to use it. but be careful.
we had a little wind here yesterday but its been calm all day. talking about snow, the ski areas are open on hood, because we have had this early snow. lots of happy people.

Peter said...

Pretty hard to prepare when you gotta run to a fire!

Jim said...

What a rush! Yes, it's too bad we all have to find out the hard way what we should have done in the first place. Thanks for being a volunteer fireman/person/woman/whatever/etc...........

Teresa Garcia said...

Sorry to hear about the fire... wondered why I was tasting ashes today and felt grey...

And I know about the Mt Dew... *cough* That's why I drank it so much, especially in high school and during ski season. Last two places I wanted to go CRASH BOOM I CAN'T SEEEEE....

Athena's on a second round of antibiotics for that tooth. We've also adjusted her diet to increase her protein intake. She's like me and needs the meats A LOT more than most people. You ought to eat more mother... especially your proteins... Keep those cheese or peanut butter crackers in your pockets. It's amazing how much better I'll feel after a burger or some beans, but those crackers are more portable.

>.> Been having to eat a lot of meat the past few days with all sorts of stress going on. Busy days.

ILLA said...

Have you heard anything more about the bigger apt? Has the swelling gone down any? Saw Alisha the other day and she is expecting again. They will be here over Christmas. They won't make it again until then. Melissa is well and I see her quite often. Timothy Valdez says to tell you hi. He is supposed to be buying one of your books. I have 6 of them at the Red Barn. Several people say they are going to buy one but I see they are still there.