Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kids Halloween and Athena's Health

Hello all.

Athena and Merlin had a great Halloween. We dressed up. The kids went around town with their dad, and over to the High School for the carnival. I stayed home expecting that I'd have kids from the apartments coming to my door. Didn't have anyone all night other than my own.

Merlin went to several houses and didn't get scared. He came home early because he was getting tired and Athena wanted to go to the haunted house. She's thinking of helping out with that next year. Here's some pictures.

Athena's recently had some bloodwork done, and that confirmed that she's mildly hypoglycemic like mom and I are. She's also got a growth on her jaw that we aren't sure what it is. She's going between doctor and dentist, and hopefully between the two they'll figure out exactly what it is and get it fixed. Right now it's being treated as an abscess, but doc isn't too sure it really is. If antibiotics don't work, more exams will be needed. Just where it is (on the underside of the jaw and unattached to anything) and how firm it is, is very strange.

We hope everyone is doing well, and as comfortable as can be.

~Teresa, Athena, Merlin, and cats


Jim said...

It looks like a good Halloween was had by all. Hope the jaw problem is a minor problem that is quickly resolved.

Illa said...

I am glad they had a good time. See you all tomorrow night. Drive safe. Don't look in things. Christmas presents you know. It will be good to get to see you for a while even if it is only for a day or so.

Heather is supposed to be having her baby any day I guess. Lynn texted that she was in labor and that was 2-3 days ago. It is probably Braxton-Hicks still. Will let you know when the little ones arrives. They are all bad in CC. Not together but there anyway.

Love to all. Illa

Peter said...

Thanks for letting us know about Athena, she will be in our prayers.

Teresa Garcia said...

The dentist said it is a definite abscess. She's going to need a root canal, but that can't be done till the infection is taken care of. The antibiotics seem to be bringing it down.

ILLA said...

It was good to get to see you all. Sorry that you didn't get to meet Marcie. She was out of town for the day. Everyone can't believe how big the kids are getting. They did really well. Good thing my house is dirty. You can hardly tell they were there. Love you guys.